Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
Hang on. Monkeypox has been "a thing" for about a month and there's still only 1472 worldwide cases, there are absolutely no "social distancing rules" like you mention, and you cite the Sun as a source, Jesus Christ have some dignity for ****s sakes, this is getting painful to watch
A agree with you, 1,472 is minuscule. However, as we saw with Covid-19, those who control the testing can produce whatever numbers they desire simply by testing ever greater numbers to create as many false positives required by over-cycling the PCR test.

Here's a verbatim quote from Kary Mullis, the PCR inventor: "Anyone can test positive for practically anything with the PCR test, if you run it long enough.....with PCR if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody....it doesn't tell you that you are sick."

Having said that, I don't understand why they might fake a different pandemic rather than continue with the Covid-19 one and with it eventually snaring everyone to get vaccinated by making their lives increasingly difficult through denying them vaccine passports, a digital ID scheme by another name.

As we witnessed, the jabbed were trained to hate and fear those who resisted being coerced, threatened and blackmailed and then approved of discriminating against them when they attended nightclubs and sporting events by meekly flashing their QR code instead of protesting that outrageous protocol.

I daresay they can resurrect Covid-19 whenever they wish. Whichever path they take, the likes of you and I along with most of humanity are well and truly fecked as they want most people gone by whatever means necessary.