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Thread: Transport for Wales

  1. #26

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by Wozza16 View Post
    Just imagine what 5 billion of Welsh taxpayers money, would do to welsh rail. Oh well our London friends can get to Birmingham a little faster now thanks to us, greatest union in the world this!
    In terms of subsidy recieved per passenger mile, the Welsh franchise is consistently 1st or 2nd. Our transport is heavily subsidised

  2. #27

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    The Arriva 'trains' are actually converted, second hand trams. They're an embarrassment.
    Where do these myths come from? This seems to be a combination of several myths. There are no 'converted second hand trams ' . The old pacer trains that were retired last year were based on a bus body , they weren't actually old buses though. They were bloody rubbish mind !!

    The new Valley line trains to form the metro are light rail, so basically trams rather than trains. They are brand new and being built at present.

  3. #28

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by chrisp_1927 View Post
    In terms of subsidy recieved per passenger mile, the Welsh franchise is consistently 1st or 2nd. Our transport is heavily subsidised
    yea but its Boris, so its his fault the franchise is not always 1st on the list

  4. #29

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Which ones are these? It was talked about 5-6 years ago but I haven't heard anything since.
    The ones - for example - that run from Ninian Park to the suburbs, etc. They weren't built as locos, but are actually trams around 30 years old bought second hand from somewhere in Europe, then converted. That's why they make that sound when they're starting up. They're wrecks !

  5. #30

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    The ones - for example - that run from Ninian Park to the suburbs, etc. They weren't built as locos, but are actually trams around 30 years old bought second hand from somewhere in Europe, then converted. That's why they make that sound when they're starting up. They're wrecks !
    I'm guessing you mean the 769's. Electric trains that used to work in London, that have have had diesel generators fitted. They are meant to be a stopgap until the new trains arrive sometime over the next couple of years. They make up a very small percentage of tfw's stock, and will only be seen on the Rhymney to Penarth route. Won't see a huge amount out because they haven't worked very well.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but converted trams from somewhere in Europe are not running the rails of cardiff or the rest of Wales.

    The trains on the rest of the valleys network are either 150's or single car 153's, british built and trains since the day they were born 🤣

  6. #31

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by Trigger View Post
    We already get back more than we put in.

    Some places in the UK barely have an adequate bus service.
    No point in this thread or any complaints ever then, somebody always has it worse. I always hear the "somewhere else has it worse", I can't imagine people in the NE give a shit about under investment in Wales? Also when all companies HQ are based in London of course the output of Wales is going to look shite. What significant investment has Wales ever had? Apart from maybe the M4 decades ago. The only things every built here were to extract wealth as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    I would rather the Welsh gov waste 5 billion in Wales if it gives jobs and opportunities to people here rather than not have it at all, Westminster waste enough on a daily basis, I don't see their tap being turned off.

  7. #32

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by Wozza16 View Post
    No point in this thread or any complaints ever then, somebody always has it worse. I always hear the "somewhere else has it worse", I can't imagine people in the NE give a shit about under investment in Wales? Also when all companies HQ are based in London of course the output of Wales is going to look shite. What significant investment has Wales ever had? Apart from maybe the M4 decades ago. The only things every built here were to extract wealth as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    I would rather the Welsh gov waste 5 billion in Wales if it gives jobs and opportunities to people here rather than not have it at all, Westminster waste enough on a daily basis, I don't see their tap being turned off.
    We have more than the 5 billion though, we have along with NI the highest deficit per person.

    We do ok out of the Union. How its spent in Wales is the bigger problem.

    So much waste on lots of things, many of them "small" but all add up.

    How much was wasted on endless feasibility studies into the m4 relief road only to cancel it after an election.

  8. #33

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by Trigger View Post
    We have more than the 5 billion though, we have along with NI the highest deficit per person.

    We do ok out of the Union. How its spent in Wales is the bigger problem.

    So much waste on lots of things, many of them "small" but all add up.

    How much was wasted on endless feasibility studies into the m4 relief road only to cancel it after an election.
    There is a huge difference between money for health, pensions and welfare - which we get more than England proportionally and money invested in infrastructure of which we have always had far less

    The union has kept us the poorest part of the UK and it always will.

  9. #34

    Re: Transport for Wales


    Football fans who headed from north Wales to Cardiff for a Nations League match have branded the train service a "disgrace" amid scenes of overcrowding.

  10. #35
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Been rebranded as Transport Not Fit For Wales .

    They talk up environmental concerns well why not just fund the essentials of life forget extravagant gestures like living wage's , expanding the the membership of WAG .

    Sell some of thier extensive properties off in Wales and abroad.

    Welsh Government has a total of 18 core and operational offices across Wales. It has offices based in Westminster.

    Additionally, it has 7 specialist properties across Wales, which include stores, traffic management centres and the pavilion at the Royal Welsh Showground.

    The Government also has 21 offices located in 11 countries outside the United Kingdom: Belgium; Canada; China; France; Germany; Ireland; India; Japan; Qatar; United Arab Emirates, and the United States of America.[11]

  11. #36
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    The lack of HGV drivers has had a big effect.

    Pay for bus drivers is sh!t and they are retraining as HGV drivers.

    Result the bus services have deteriorated.
    Chat with DVLA maybe Mr Drakeford can unlock the issue ??

  12. #37
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    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by Trigger View Post
    We have more than the 5 billion though, we have along with NI the highest deficit per person.

    We do ok out of the Union. How its spent in Wales is the bigger problem.

    So much waste on lots of things, many of them "small" but all add up.

    How much was wasted on endless feasibility studies into the m4 relief road only to cancel it after an election.
    18 billion in fact .

    We should just spend it on health to save lives we have more beds per head that England ,transport as it provides jobs makes Wales attractive to invest into.

  13. #38

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Been rebranded as Transport Not Fit For Wales .

    They talk up environmental concerns well why not just fund the essentials of life forget extravagant gestures like living wage's , expanding the the membership of WAG .

    Sell some of thier extensive properties off in Wales and abroad.

    Welsh Government has a total of 18 core and operational offices across Wales. It has offices based in Westminster.

    Additionally, it has 7 specialist properties across Wales, which include stores, traffic management centres and the pavilion at the Royal Welsh Showground.

    The Government also has 21 offices located in 11 countries outside the United Kingdom: Belgium; Canada; China; France; Germany; Ireland; India; Japan; Qatar; United Arab Emirates, and the United States of America.[11]
    Am I reading this correctly? You consider the living wage to be an extravagant gesture?

  14. #39

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by Trigger View Post
    How much was wasted on endless feasibility studies into the m4 relief road only to cancel it after an election.
    But isn't the point of a feasibility study to see if something is feasible? Funny how they're only a waste of money if that study results in a cancellation of the idea or proposal.

  15. #40

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post

    The Government also has 21 offices located in 11 countries outside the United Kingdom: Belgium; Canada; China; France; Germany; Ireland; India; Japan; Qatar; United Arab Emirates, and the United States of America.[11]
    Other than the office in Belgium, the WG’s overseas offices are based with British Embassies, Consulates and High Commissions. I’m sure they’re looking at the wider estate in Wales given the numbers still working at home - not that it’d make much difference/raise significant funds.

  16. #41
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    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Am I reading this correctly? You consider the living wage to be an extravagant gesture?
    Yes there are vacancies everywhere WAG should concentrate on improving people's lives not paying someone not too where In inspiration to aspire if you pay someone to not work .

    I'm not talking about benefits but schemes announced recently to just pay 18 year old a good wage or support them in work is surely a jwhere they benefit and inspire not staying at home.

    Aspiration is important.

  17. #42

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    For the second time in as many weeks, the now only hourly Cardiff Bay service is cancelled at the last minute..as is the one after it. Dozens stranded, women walking into town in the dark, no announcements whatsoever...

    It's unbelievable how bad it is.

    Why do we put up with this shit in Wales?
    It's beyond hilarious you've failed to mention the decades of privatisation in our train system before this. TFW ordered new trains as soon as possible once they were in charge. What else can they do? Just magic up train and staff?

  18. #43

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    It's beyond hilarious you've failed to mention the decades of privatisation in our train system before this. TFW ordered new trains as soon as possible once they were in charge. What else can they do? Just magic up train and staff?
    Much of the problem was with the previous franchise with ATW. Both Welsh Government and ATW didn't expect a great deal of growth in passenger numbers. Passenger numbers did grow, quite substantially in some areas, but there were no plans during the length of the franchise to accommodate the higher numbers.

    If a bus operator wants to increase services they can train new bus drivers in a few weeks and purchase new or second hand buses relatively easily. If a train operator wants to increase services, they may need to train new drivers on routes - some routes need many months or more than a year to learn. Picking up new or second hand trains is virtually impossible.

  19. #44

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Yes there are vacancies everywhere WAG should concentrate on improving people's lives not paying someone not too where In inspiration to aspire if you pay someone to not work .

    I'm not talking about benefits but schemes announced recently to just pay 18 year old a good wage or support them in work is surely a jwhere they benefit and inspire not staying at home.

    Aspiration is important.
    I've read this through a few times and I have no idea what you're on about.

  20. #45
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    I've read this through a few times and I have no idea what you're on about.
    Not my problem .

    Just think government should fund people to go to work and subsidy or fund business to take those that at a low point or disadvantaged in some way ..

  21. #46

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Not my problem .

    Just think government should fund people to go to work and subsidy or fund business to take those that at a low point or disadvantaged in some way ..
    Isn't that what paying the living wage does? Did you mean a universal basic income or something similar with your original post?

  22. #47

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Not my problem .

    Just think government should fund people to go to work and subsidy or fund business to take those that at a low point or disadvantaged in some way ..
    That sounds like socialism.

  23. #48
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    It's beyond hilarious you've failed to mention the decades of privatisation in our train system before this. TFW ordered new trains as soon as possible once they were in charge. What else can they do? Just magic up train and staff?
    I'd nationalise the whole think and build in a no strike clause with independent pay bodies as its a core part of other people's lives that has to operate so others can travel and earn .

    This is a cynical move, just as the suffering public that gave come hrough Covid some on just Furlough to be hit again by workers that were on 100% pay ..

    I'd open the barriers let the public and seek train driving skills for those key areas .

    In London hospital staff paitents rely heavily on these services as the only quick way into hospitals.

    Maybe the tube operator drivers should take a pay freeze from thier generous 50k (plus )wage to fund the lower paid staff who are on a third of that 🤔

  24. #49

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I'd nationalise the whole think and build in a no strike clause with independent pay bodies as its a core part of other people's lives that has to operate so others can travel and earn .

    This is a cynical move, just as the suffering public that gave come hrough Covid some on just Furlough to be hit again by workers that were on 100% pay ..

    I'd open the barriers let the public and seek train driving skills for those key areas .

    In London hospital staff paitents rely heavily on these services as the only quick way into hospitals.

    Maybe the tube operator drivers should take a pay freeze from thier generous 50k (plus )wage to fund the lower paid staff who are on a third of that 🤔
    More socialism

  25. #50

    Re: Transport for Wales

    Labour activists will say, or imply, that TfW and every other public service ran poorly in Wales is down to central government not giving Drakey what's due under the Barnett formula purely to make Welsh Labour look bad.

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