Quote Originally Posted by Tito Fuente View Post
in your eyes we have to blindly accept a policy that goes against our morals until we come up with a better one.

Ok mate
No, you don't have to do anything. But peoples opposition to something is much stronger if they can suggest a viable alternative. Unless you support the status quo, which is fine, but people do seem to acknowledge an issue, they just can't suggest a means to dealing with it.

That's especially the case when the moral high ground is being claimed and accusations of racism are being thrown around like confetti.

444 people arrived yesterday. We have no idea who they are (yet) all to be housed, processed, cared for, all whilst others are entering legally, and all whilst enriching criminal gangs and people smugglers.

The situation is shit! There's little morality in just criticising a proposal and offering nothing in return IMO