Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post

"I can't believe the other side waging a culture way!" followed by wild accusations of leave voters being racist (with zero evidence) on a topic that is nothing to do with the referendum (illegal immigration is an issue in or out of the EU and globally) and bafflingly backed up by millionnaire EU home owning Will Self, as if that somehow gives the point legitimacy.

Lets break it down:

1 - In respect of immigration, leaving the EU treats people equally wherever they are from. EU immigration policy undeniably favours people from an overwhelmingly white place (the EU) over people from an overwhelmingly non white place (the rest of the world). Without a question, the EU's immigration policy is more racist.

2 - The EU itself has built fences and used water cannon against migrants. I mean, do you guys just have your fingers in your ears and your hands over your eyes or what? Have you seen what France did to people in Calais? Spain in Melilla? Greece in Turkey? Poland at their borders? Honestly, I can spell it out to you, but it's better you look yourself.

3 - Some of you buy into this absolute myth that Britain is some racist hell hole, for what? For not supporting endless numbers of people arriving via the channel having paid criminal gangs? By nature all of the people will not be British citizens, but doing something about it doesn't make a country racist, it makes them responsible. Putting aside the irony that it's white liberals that are telling the immigrants how racist our country is (in which case why are they coming here), there is no basis for the argument. None at all.

Honestly, these flights will take off, and rightly so. You cannot have a situation where anyone who wants to come here can do so. It is a totally unsustainable situation and you need to come up with some better policies than 'uR aLl RacIsTs' because if and when Labour are in power, there is no chance whatsoever they would tolerate this either.
You make some interesting points, but why are you, the tories and the rest of their supporters convinced that the Rwanda scheme will deter people crossing the channel? All you seem to come back with is - what’s your solution?

Well, if you can’t stop people crossing then there’s no solution to that problem.

But then sending them on to a corrupt country at exorbitant costs is immorally wrong.