Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
The idea isn't to send lots of people to Rwanda it's that it acts as a deterrent so that thousands of people don't jump the asylum queue by paying criminals thousands of pounds to cross the channel.

I don't see what's disgraceful about it. I think it's disgraceful to not have any tabled solutions to the problem tbh
Disgraceful not having concrete solutions to hugely complex issues? Well lets start at not outsourcing things we don't like and don't want to deal with to other countries (with very recent histories of genocide amongst other problems). Then we can start the debate on where to go from here. Making the world a more even place economically is the ultimate goal, but that essentially means people like ourselves accepting to take a hit on our own quality of life/finances to some degree, at least in the short term. And let's face it, most people are not willing to do that, certainly no Tory would anyway.

You think these flights are a deterrent? You are having a laugh. Say a person came from Libya as an example. If the two insanely dangerous sea crossings on terribly inadequate, overcrowded boats, and who knows what else they face in between didn't stop these people coming, nothing will.

Right now as things stand, I would probably guess that there is no solution to stopping migrants coming to wealthy countries like the UK & Denmark. People want a better life for themselves and their families, and who can blame them. We'd all be doing the same thing if the roles were reversed.