Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
As curmudgeonly as you often are, I really do hope your grub cupboards are groaning with goodies and you've had the foresight to have already bought Christmas gifts.

By then, you along with many of us may very well be reminiscing about life in the UK just six months earlier. We'll recall how food was plentiful and affordable, CPI inflation was a mere 9%, the streets were still teeming with vehicles, there were never power cuts, violence wasn't all around, most working age people had jobs, gangs of organised thugs never looted supermarkets and 8pm to 6am curfews were unheard of.
You missed out on the relevance of real cost of living poverty :
No access to subscribed TV , broadband, mobile phones, car ownership, season tickets, socialising, device ownership.... ect etc ..

It's all bollocks this modern cost of living poverty criss we should rename it as cost of Iiving reality .

I do wonder how less emotional this would if a Labour Government were in power trying to deal with a cost of living crisis which is 90% driven by global influences.