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Thread: My GP

  1. #1

    My GP

    I've been suffering with a chest infection for a couple of weeks. I suffer from Asthma. This week face to face, appointment with the
    practise nurse and telephone appointment with the G. P.
    To quote Mrs, Brown. "You've heard of Dr Dolittle this is Doctor Do fcuk all".
    Fcuking useless. No service no medication.
    What the **** is going on.

  2. #2

    Re: My GP

    Quote Originally Posted by dandywarhol View Post
    I've been suffering with a chest infection for a couple of weeks. I suffer from Asthma. This week face to face, appointment with the
    practise nurse and telephone appointment with the G. P.
    To quote Mrs, Brown. "You've heard of Dr Dolittle this is Doctor Do fcuk all".
    Fcuking useless. No service no medication.
    What the **** is going on.
    I also suffer with asthma before covid the surgery would contact me saying that I'm due an assessment. I haven't had a letter for 2 years. Try getting an appointment, the NHS is broken big time

  3. #3

    Re: My GP

    which begs the question why don 't wales have walk in medical centres like England ?

    when i was working in the England for a number of years i could walk in and see a doctor if i needed too without an appointment which you can still can do today although bit of a wait

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: My GP

    Quote Originally Posted by dandywarhol View Post
    I've been suffering with a chest infection for a couple of weeks. I suffer from Asthma. This week face to face, appointment with the
    practise nurse and telephone appointment with the G. P.
    To quote Mrs, Brown. "You've heard of Dr Dolittle this is Doctor Do fcuk all".
    Fcuking useless. No service no medication.
    What the **** is going on.
    Welsh Health service has been broken for some years, Welsh Government not that bold to challenge performance and ensure taxpayers get value for money....

    You could stagger into A and E with breathing difficulties.

    Hope your chest gets better soon..

  6. #6

    Re: My GP

    ..........but we do get free prescriptions, something that I am very grateful for.

  7. #7

    Re: My GP

    Original poster sounds exactly the type of person who if he were to ring 999 to request an ambulance would then moan and groan if it didn't show up within the next six hours. (He's probably a Communist agitator.)

    GPs shouldn't be troubled by patients with non life threatening conditions. Instead, they ought to seek advice from a pharmacist. When s/he is unavailable then consult with whoever's operating the till at the time.

    As LoM identified, anyone can attend any number of A & E departments. Whilst it's true one should visit with a pop-up tent, sleeping bag and a carrier bag full of grub in anticipation of a three-day wait prior to being seen, politicians are correct when insisting our National Health Service remains the envy of the world.

  8. #8

    Re: My GP

    The NHS dentist appears to becoming a thing of the past as well

    I’ve just had notice that my current dentist is no longer renewing its contract with the NHS after 18 years.

    They are blaming it on the backlog of patients caused by lockdowns.

    Whilst I’m fortunate to be able to pay for treatment, this is going to have a huge effect on the local area in respect of poorer families and especially children who’s treatment is free.

    Anybody else having experienced his u-turn with their local practice and is this going to become the norm ?

    Seems part of the plan by the WAG

  9. #9

    Re: My GP

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Original poster sounds exactly the type of person who if he were to ring 999 to request an ambulance would then moan and groan if it didn't show up within the next six hours. (He's probably a Communist agitator.)

    GPs shouldn't be troubled by patients with non life threatening conditions. Instead, they ought to seek advice from a pharmacist. When s/he is unavailable then consult with whoever's operating the till at the time.

    As LoM identified, anyone can attend any number of A & E departments. Whilst it's true one should visit with a pop-up tent, sleeping bag and a carrier bag full of grub in anticipation of a three-day wait prior to being seen, politicians are correct when insisting our National Health Service remains the envy of the world.
    Until social care is properly funded and profit making provision removed then you will continue to see a and e departments blocked

  10. #10

    Re: My GP

    Quote Originally Posted by Alfresco View Post
    I also suffer with asthma before covid the surgery would contact me saying that I'm due an assessment. I haven't had a letter for 2 years. Try getting an appointment, the NHS is broken big time
    Dismantled would be a better word.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: My GP

    Quote Originally Posted by dandywarhol View Post
    I've been suffering with a chest infection for a couple of weeks. I suffer from Asthma. This week face to face, appointment with the
    practise nurse and telephone appointment with the G. P.
    To quote Mrs, Brown. "You've heard of Dr Dolittle this is Doctor Do fcuk all".
    Fcuking useless. No service no medication.
    What the **** is going on.
    It's not a priority, the Welsh Government has far more important stuff to deal with like slowing the Country down to a grinding halt, with covid and speed and road closures, once it's ground to a halt they will look at the ambulance delays, A&E, GP's and Dentists, problem is you won't be able to get there by the time they get around to it!

  12. #12

    Re: My GP

    I guess here in the Dordogne we are lucky. Small village...life like uk back in the fifties.....
    Small - very small doctors. No receptionists, no appointments...just walk in to see the doctor......70% paid for by the state and 30% through top up insurance (optional).

  13. #13

    Re: My GP

    From start to end of process it took SIX weeks to get blood test results.

  14. #14

    Re: My GP

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    It's not a priority, the Welsh Government has far more important stuff to deal with like slowing the Country down to a grinding halt, with covid and speed and road closures, once it's ground to a halt they will look at the ambulance delays, A&E, GP's and Dentists, problem is you won't be able to get there by the time they get around to it!

    Whilst employing 36 more useless tossers to sit on their arseholes in that ugly monstrosity down the bay

  15. #15

    Re: My GP

    Quote Originally Posted by dandywarhol View Post
    I've been suffering with a chest infection for a couple of weeks. I suffer from Asthma. This week face to face, appointment with the
    practise nurse and telephone appointment with the G. P.
    To quote Mrs, Brown. "You've heard of Dr Dolittle this is Doctor Do fcuk all".
    Fcuking useless. No service no medication.
    What the **** is going on.
    Maybe, after assessment by two healthcare professionals it was decided that medication wouldn't have helped with your condition.

  16. #16

    Re: My GP

    Quote Originally Posted by BLUETIT View Post
    Whilst employing 36 more useless tossers to sit on their arseholes in that ugly monstrosity down the bay
    they should send them to help out the dvla

  17. #17

    Re: My GP

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    Original poster sounds exactly the type of person who if he were to ring 999 to request an ambulance would then moan and groan if it didn't show up within the next six hours. (He's probably a Communist agitator.)

    GPs shouldn't be troubled by patients with non life threatening conditions. Instead, they ought to seek advice from a pharmacist. When s/he is unavailable then consult with whoever's operating the till at the time.

    As LoM identified, anyone can attend any number of A & E departments. Whilst it's true one should visit with a pop-up tent, sleeping bag and a carrier bag full of grub in anticipation of a three-day wait prior to being seen, politicians are correct when insisting our National Health Service remains the envy of the world.
    Cheeky ****.I'm 70 .Never rang 999 in my life.Member of a gym.I,ve spent 0ne day in hospital in my life.That was for a strangulated stomach hernia,which incidentally I was awake for as I had the same same symptoms as I'm suffering from now.

  18. #18

    Re: My GP

    Quote Originally Posted by RichardM View Post
    Maybe, after assessment by two healthcare professionals it was decided that medication wouldn't have helped with your condition.
    I can see your point.I've had these symptoms before.It takes 5-6 weeks of hell to recover without extra meds off the quack.Hacking cough tight weezy chest.I bet if the 2 professionals had what I've got they would be writing themselves a script or dipping into the samples they get off the sales reps.

  19. #19

    Re: My GP

    In the interest of balance, I've had a sore throat/bad chest for weeks, to be fair to my GP he prescribed antibiotics over the phone the first time. Then when I rung a month later to say it hadn't gone away they called back the next day and said come in in 45 mins then gave me an asthma pump and a peak flow test to measure my oxygen levels at home

  20. #20

    Re: My GP

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    In the interest of balance, I've had a sore throat/bad chest for weeks, to be fair to my GP he prescribed antibiotics over the phone the first time. Then when I rung a month later to say it hadn't gone away they called back the next day and said come in in 45 mins then gave me an asthma pump and a peak flow test to measure my oxygen levels at home
    Similar to myself. 2 lots of antibiotics didn't shift it. Had both a telephone appointment and face 2 face with the practice nurse. Did a flow test at home and ended up with a nasal spray. That did the trick as it stopped the nasal drip fluid getting to my throat and chest. Was like it all winter.

  21. #21

    Re: My GP

    The NHS is not a good system for delivering universal healthcare. Most developed countries have better healthcare systems than the UK. Unfortunately, there is an almost religious devotion in this country to maintaining 'our NHS' and very few people are willing to consider that the system itself may be part of the problem. The answer is always just to spend more money.

  22. #22

    Re: My GP

    Quote Originally Posted by LeningradCowboy View Post
    The NHS is not a good system for delivering universal healthcare. Most developed countries have better healthcare systems than the UK. Unfortunately, there is an almost religious devotion in this country to maintaining 'our NHS' and very few people are willing to consider that the system itself may be part of the problem. The answer is always just to spend more money.
    the NHS is a good system for delivering healthcare, if it is funded adequately.
    most countries that have a better system, spend a lot more on it than we do. Some that are worse spend more than we do.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: My GP

    A lot could be done if the public supported it many GP receptionist will tell you the old walk up could not continue with lots of folk going for very minor complainants ,where a bit of rest and a paracetamol will provide relief , the elderly also find the chat a reassurance appointment chat helpful but again a big pull on recourse ,all of which is understandable ,as that group of elderly grows as does the demand and costs .....

    It needs something big and new to change to perhaps include Nurses /pharmacies dealing with minor health issues , the taking of blood pressures / cholesterol testing could perhaps be out housed .

    I'd bring in a green ,amber and red units separate A& E to distinguish between the weekend drunks entries , minor issues and real emergencies to save lives .

    How about charging for those who rock up pissed if they thought that would they go to A & E how that consumption of alcohol is continuing in these times is beyond me ??

    I see nothing wrong with a means testing for care to better fund the NHS / Social care government have tried this with the new National Insurance cost for those earning over £39k perhaps there is a need for more after £60 ??

    A lot of European countries provide a base NHS free to all but supported by supplementary additional costs to cater for other levels of care ....

  24. #24

    Re: My GP

    Quote Originally Posted by dandywarhol View Post
    I've been suffering with a chest infection for a couple of weeks. I suffer from Asthma. This week face to face, appointment with the
    practise nurse and telephone appointment with the G. P.
    To quote Mrs, Brown. "You've heard of Dr Dolittle this is Doctor Do fcuk all".
    Fcuking useless. No service no medication.
    What the **** is going on.
    I have always suffered with very bad chest infections, get about one a year, they can last 4-6 weeks for me, my chest can get so bad that I can not go out for a long walk.

    Turns out the the vast majority of chest infections are Viral, which means anti-biotics will not touch it and is just a waste (although doctors just give them out usually to keep patients happy)

    The treatment is those throat and chest sweets / drinks from any shop.
    stay hydrated and eat healthy and wait.

    I have learned not to go to the doctors now and save us both the time

  25. #25

    Re: My GP

    Quote Originally Posted by Seabird View Post
    ..........but we do get free prescriptions, something that I am very grateful for.
    This is one of the many reasons why the system is broke. Instead of going to the pharmacy to pay for something over the counter, many people in Wales now make an appointment to see a GP, so they can their medication free on prescription..

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