Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
As you are deeply immersed in Armageddon/The Great Reset/Transhumanism/Bilderbergism etc, how do you see your own personal future, OM? Is it totally bleak?
Hasn't he already covered this a few months back?

As I recall he will be in a bunker, with a new generator (prudently obtained on Black Friday 2020) and the world's biggest hoard of Pot Noodles. He will be imagining the world above reduced to 10% of the existing population and those remaining will be full of toxins and chips, and serving the whims of the New World Order who he imagines will also be in a massive bunker under Denver.

Whilst all this is going on we will be muddling through a cost of living crisis and the aftermath of a messy truce in Ukraine, cursing the latest Gareth Bale injury and reading endless new posts from Sludge on Death Metal or grannies' underwear. i.e. business as usual.