I would be as worried if I was Labour than if I was Tory .

Liberals for decades have done well in By Election as the floating voter lashes out at a Government , and could move back to Tories if Boris went .

The calculation Lib's / Lab will face now is how they will face questions on Europe , nod and wink voting cooperation in some seats , some voters don't like that as your not getting what you vote for ..

Re entering the single market currency , immigration, strikes , cost of living will also be played out to death.... and big tax cuts are on the horizon next year with the strap line " these are affordable due to our prudence ""

Will Sir Kier and Boris be there , there are rumblings of a snap election as Johnston see's a potential leadership challenge next year anyways , we could end up with Angela Rayner v Nadine Dorries , now I'd buy front row tickets for that mud wrestle ??