I'll have to look deeper into what's claimed in the final paragragh of what's pasted below.

“Monkeypox” is only circulating in Countries where the population have been given the Pfizer Vaccine & is being used to advance a Technocratic Great Reset

Since around the middle of May 2022, you will have most likely heard or seen the word Monkeypox mentioned numerous times in the mainstream media.

Allegedly, for the first time since its discovery among humans in Africa over 50 years ago, the monkeypox virus is circulating throughout several countries including the USA, UK, Canada, Brazil, Australia and most of Europe all at the same time.

But it just so happens that every single country where monkeypox is allegedly circulating is also a country that has distributed the Pfizer Covid-19 injection to its population; excluding some countries in Africa where the disease has been endemic for the past 50 or so years.

The World Health Organization has not received a single report of monkeypox from any country in the world where the Pfizer vaccine was not administered.

More: https://expose-news.com/2022/06/24/m...e-great-reset/