Quote Originally Posted by AfricanBluebird View Post
An appalling decision - and an anti-democratic one as abortion rights are widely supported apart from by a minority of right wing religious nut jobs. I live in a country where abortions are illegal and yet the abortion rate is sky high with lots of related health issues with women dying due to abortion complications.

We all know the Republicans are hypocrites and nuts, however, the actions of the democrats (to allow this to happen) is unforgivable:

Obama promised to embed Roe v Wade into federal law in 2007, but when he became President he de-prioritised it.

Obama then succumbed to the republicans when Justice Antonin Scalia died. He should have ploughed on and picked a new Judge but instead was bullied to putting off the pick so close to an election (a favour that the republicans didn't return.. of course).

Ruth Bader Ginsburg knew she had cancer and yet didn't step down when Obama could have had a Supreme Court Justice pick.

With another Supreme court judge stepping down that gave Trump THREE Supreme court picks!

Then the hearings... the democrats didn't push for a full investigation into Amy Coney Barrett's cult membership which is shrouded in child abuse allegation (the cult leaders she lived with) OR in fact her adoptive children (from Haiti) that she 'trafficked' to adopt. And of course their weak cross examining of Brett Kavanaugh who had been credibly been accused of sexual assault.

All republican supreme court justices picked since 2006 LIED about their intentions of Roe v Wade.

Centralist democrats are weak and useless and when Nancy Pelosi cries on TV saying it's a "travesty" - i feel sick, because we all saw this coming and the democrats have been so weak they did nothing about it.

The supreme court have already said they are going after marriage equality, lgbt rights and birth control next.

The handmaidens tale has arrived.
The democrats are usually weak in the face of republican tactics, but I think this is unfair. Could Obama have 'ploughed on'? How? McConnell blocked it because he could and made sure he got his appointments because he could. How did democrats have the numbers to stop those appointments?

There's two parties in the US. One is very clearly to blame for this decision. It doesn't seem right to me to blame the other.