Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
That's not punishing them , it's letting them off

Imagine being that bloke who killed that boy ? Every single day in fear of attack from nutters in parkhurst?

I would say please hang me , I am scared ��

Nope , sorry , you are really going to suffer , everyday

I would have thought those that want someone punished for this would want them kept alive , to suffer like that poor little boy ?

Hanging them prevents justice and punishment

Plenty of people facing court for child crime kill themselves before they get to court because they are terrified .

Hanging them makes no sense and once in a while people convicted of murder are innocent

The Cardiff 3 would all have been hanged and were totally innocent
A waste of tax payers money, but if we can't hang them lets hope it's a terrble prison with regular beatings and livig with the fear every day that they could get murdered in the showers!