Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
You keep pre occupying yourself with the veracity of allegorical "myths"..... I don't mean this question as a criticism, it's certainly not a criticism but are you on the autistic spectrum? This may explain why you're a tad stuck on whether a myth is true or merely allegorical.

Atheist believe live occurred from a random bang and life is essentially meaningless. That's irrational and short sighted. You aren't the reasonable one in this discussion.
Thanks for the question about my mental health and for moving the debate to what my lay-preacher friend refers to as the 'pick and mix' fraternity. He is a fundamentalist and and once one concedes that part of a religion is allegory it's a very rocky path. He has left several congregations because they draw the line at allegory in different places and modern-day Archbishops and Popes pick and mix in different places similarly. If part of a religion is conceded as allegory, who is to say what isn't allegory and myth?
However, it's clear that you aren't someone who can debate things in a civilised manner and that you engage in unneccesary ad hominem remarks (such as referring to my mental state) so I won't bother engaging with you. May your God bless you.