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God is all kind and caring
But if you don't go to his church and worship him then you can't go to heaven ?
That's a bit harsh !
However if you have killed lots of people but say sorry for your sins ........you can go to heaven ?
I think God is very confused or he's been drinking
Just seen that Ashley Cain fella on Instagram who lost his baby daughter. Tragic story. He’s Saying a prayer thanking God for giving him the gift of the child and for him to hold her in his grasp.
No mention of the fact that God was the thing that took her away in the first place…..oh no, I forgot, he only does the good stuff. It’s a mental illness.
He is an eternal spirit where the word eternal means always will exist and always has. This is totally outside out own experience of time, matter and space; so it's perflectly understandable that we would ask questions* that would relate to our dimension when we have no experience of God's natural realm.
* Like who created his dimension, because He created our temporary dimension.
* Some scientists believe that our present reality is a computer program, not unlike the holodeck seen on Star Trek.
I despair at these type of people
Absolutely brain washed
If a poorly kid is saved by the wisdom of the doctors ......God gave that wisdom
If the kid passes away, God wanted them for heaven
It's absolutely staggering
There really is no point in engaging with these people
Well I don't know if you are a Christian or not but that's the typical response
Prove to me that this thing that you want having the final say over everything and rules your life actually exists ?
Christian .......I dont have to or you prove to me that he doesn't! It's a joke really and why debating the existence of God is a waste of time . More ducking and diving than a boxer
You're not an expert in scripture so aim your sights a touch lower, nobody is convinced by this little act.
There's no mention in the Bible of mass immigration to every European descent nation on Earth, no mention of cheap labour under cutting natives or the destruction of cultures to the benefit of big business.
I'm a bit sympathetic to Nobel Peace Prize winner The Dalai Lama when he says "Receive them, help them, educate them... but ultimately they should develop their own country,"
"I think Europe belongs to the Europeans,"
"they ultimately should rebuild their own country"
You're just a little shit anyway i don't know why i even bother with you. As yet, i doubt you're too affected by all the problems that come with mass immigration. It's all theory for you in your Middle Class bubble, policing the message board for "wrong think"