Quote Originally Posted by Tito Fuente View Post
You keep fighting the good fight Organ.
You should really consider going global with your message though. You are wasted on the Teletubbies that you're trying to educate on here.

We'll keep taking our zombified-baby-blood clot shots and live horrible, unhealthy, unhappy lives until we finally drop dead of Sudden Comedian Syndrome.
You got conned for the sake a QR code, pal, and you know it. Your ego won't allow an embarrassing admission, instead you prefer to fumble for any excuse to defend those who connived to convince you to partake in a trial free of charge.

Harari, Schwab's oppo, publicly gloats about the "hackable animals" and "useless class" they have fooled. In truth, his contempt for the likes of you is justified.