Quote Originally Posted by UNDERHILL1927 View Post
If you hit a pedestrian at 10mph etc etc etc when does it end? I’ve almost been involved in more crashes due to people driving slowly than I have because of people driving fast.

This Welsh Government seems to want to alienate drivers of motor vehicles to the point that it’s not practical to drive a car. Fantastic utopian idea but not practical at all.
The figures quoted clearly tell you where it ends. The faster you drive the significantly less likely that the soft organic human being hit by the large, solid, metal vehicle being driven too fast by another soft organic human encased in said large, metal, vehicle is likely to survive at 30mph as opposed to 20mph (as an example but as you see it gets worse the faster you drive above 30mph).

I walk everywhere in Cardiff, I used to cycle. Cars are by far the most dangerous things I encounter on a daily basis. Way higher than knife crime.

However, I'm not the person who's developing the driverless AI technology or the smart vehicles that will inevitably be mandatory because humans are notoriously bad at driving vehicles safely.

As for the being chipped. If you carry a smart phone, you pretty much are already.

It's funny how people are angry at the Welsh Government. As I mentioned earlier, having spent time in Amsterdam and other European cities that are removing vehicles from highly pedestrianised areas, they're a joy, and much safer to walk around.