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Thread: DNA testing - results

  1. #76

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post

  2. #77

    Re: DNA testing - results

    I have been compiling the family tree for around 20 years and found other family members doing the same but none of us ever found out where in Ireland my fathers side originated from.
    The wife got me one of those DNA tests and I have had a Cluster report which is the connection between the 8 closest matches, I know for certain that the connection is from the Irish side and there are 2 people in this cluster unknown to me who are from Ireland.
    I may finally solve the mystery.

  3. #78

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Many on here will know of my interest in tracing mine, and others, ancestry.

    In June, I sent my DNA for the Ancestry test. I had been sceptical of the value of DNA testing, but having watched some programs on TV and knowing that the DNA pool is much bigger these days, I thought I'd see what came back.

    I particularly wanted to see if there was a resolution to my question of who was my paternal grandfather - I had believed for years that he was ThomasC but then found a news report of an affiliation order which indicated he was in fact WCox. But I didn't really think there was much chance of closure here.

    I should mention that I hadn't put my tree on Ancestry, so there is no chance they have factored in my known details.

    I received my results yesterday. There were 247 close matches!

    One definitely confirmed that WCox was my grt grandfather. Worth the price of the test right there.

    But then it got weird.

    Ancestry ping the 247 people who had matches to my profile and halfway through the morning I had a message from a guy who wanted to compare ancestries. He gave me some names, but there were no obvious links. We got into detail and he mentioned a knowledge of the Hoxton area of London. I had ancestors living there in the 19thC. Now we got serious - bloodhounds on the scent!

    He told me there was a rumour in his family that his grandmother had an affair while married. He gave dates of when this likely happened. I replied with a family surname and that they were silversmiths. That was the 'Eureka' moment - the family rumour was that his Grannie had a fling with a silversmith.

    Cutting a long story short, it turned out we were talkling about his biological grandfather - he never believed that the man married to his grandmother was his grandfather. We narrowed the suspects down to two brothers. I sent pictures of the brothers and he came back with a positive ID. We knew the name of his grandfather. Further investigation put him in the same street as his grandfather (on paper) in 1901 and I even had a photo of his true grandfather in that street beside a car.

    I don't have to tell you how he was feeling. He said he was shaking. I discovered that he's a univeristy lecturer.

    Today, I put him in touch with his first cousin who is also a grandchild. I'd love to hear that conversation!

    The moral is - if you are interested, do the test
    (Memo to TBG)
    Just to clarify, do you need an Ancestry account to get 'pinged' by close matches or can you make contact without? Also, is the DNA test good for both male and female lines? I would be most interested in my mother's side of the family...Italian/Irish and Norman French via Devon.

  4. #79

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Quote Originally Posted by IanD View Post
    Just to clarify, do you need an Ancestry account to get 'pinged' by close matches or can you make contact without? Also, is the DNA test good for both male and female lines? I would be most interested in my mother's side of the family...Italian/Irish and Norman French via Devon.
    I'm pretty sure you would need an Ancestry account as the DNA results are available via the website. A new feature is that the DNA of each of one's parents is included - although the system only states Parent 1 and Parent 2. In my case, it was pretty obvious as to work out parent was which as they came from very different parts of this country.

  5. #80

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    It's great fun. I had incest, child beaters and adulterers in my family history, also thuggery and fraud, in fact, fraud is how i got my surname.
    We could be related

  6. #81

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    There is obviously a huge interest in people knowing more about their origins, perceived identity and even relatives. I think it's fairly easy to understand.
    I've been researching my family tree on and off for a couple of decades. It's fascinating, and whilst the people and facts you discover are often remote in terms of time and relationship, they somehow seem incredibly close and personal.
    On the flip side are all those celebrities who go goey eyed when they learn something about their great, great, great great grandmother. A bit like Danny Dyer discovering he's descended from royalty - 85% of us are directly descended from King Edward 1st !

  7. #82

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Isn't Ancestry run by some wierd religious cult? Or did I imagine that.

  8. #83

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan Lung View Post
    Isn't Ancestry run by some wierd religious cult? Or did I imagine that.
    No - but in the early days of Ancestry there were ties with the Mormons
    I repeat what I wrote earlier about being comfortable with whoever has access to our DNA - and there are other organisations who offer different forms of DNA testing.
    If this is an issue for anyone, it's easy enough to research.

  9. #84

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Leaving aside all the surprises DNA testing may show and the ethnicity report, the one BIG result of testing, which hasn't been mentioned, can be confirmation that our carefully drawn-up family trees are demonstrably CORRECT.

    All those fears, which have been expressed, about incorrect information being recorded over decades for whatever reason may be banished.

    So the negative remarks by detractors and doubters of the accuracy of our ancestral research are provably baseless.

  10. #85

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Quote Originally Posted by Alan Lung View Post
    Isn't Ancestry run by some wierd religious cult? Or did I imagine that.
    Cyclops types away whilst adorned in his Mormon temple underwear, you know....

    snip - 2022-07-28T103122.179.jpg
    Attached Images Attached Images

  11. #86

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Cyclops types away whilst adorned in his Mormon temple underwear, you know....
    I hold my hands up!
    But even you must agree Mrs C (one of several) is a comely wench and I am exceedingly well hung.

  12. #87

    Re: DNA testing - results

  13. #88

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    You said that you would keep my results private

  14. #89

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    You said that you would keep my results private
    You never gave me my 10%

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: DNA testing - results

    I've tested my DNA and it's spun me into confusion I'm part related to the lead singer of Dead and Alive

  16. #91

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Family lore says that we are related to Michael Collins, he of the IRA. Not, yet, proved a link on paper but do know the Irish side of the family were from Co. Cork as was Collins. Not sure how I'd feel if a DNA test put substance to the story.

  17. #92

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    Leaving aside all the surprises DNA testing may show and the ethnicity report, the one BIG result of testing, which hasn't been mentioned, can be confirmation that our carefully drawn-up family trees are demonstrably CORRECT.

    All those fears, which have been expressed, about incorrect information being recorded over decades for whatever reason may be banished.
    Can be. May be. Exactly.

  18. #93

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Excuse my ignorance as I haven't paid much attention to these DNA tests although always been curious.

    I understand the concept of the ethnicity by geographic region and matching distant family members because of their DNA profiles, when they have all registered with Ancestry or whatever provider they use.

    What I don't understand is how people find out because of these tests that their father isn't their father or they have half brothers etc when those people haven't done the DNA testing and are therefore not on the database?

    Apologies if this is something obvious but I had no idea this was something these tests unearthed until I read this thread.

  19. #94

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Quote Originally Posted by Bondi Bluebird View Post
    Excuse my ignorance as I haven't paid much attention to these DNA tests although always been curious.

    I understand the concept of the ethnicity by geographic region and matching distant family members because of their DNA profiles, when they have all registered with Ancestry or whatever provider they use.

    What I don't understand is how people find out because of these tests that their father isn't their father or they have half brothers etc when those people haven't done the DNA testing and are therefore not on the database?

    Apologies if this is something obvious but I had no idea this was something these tests unearthed until I read this thread.
    I can explain in the case of my wife. When you get your results on Ancestry, it gives you matches with other people in the Ancestry data base. In my wife’s case around 5000 people. You would expect around a 50:50 split between parents, as mine was. My wife’s mother in Manx, her father Irish. In her feedback there were zero matches to either her father or Ireland. Instead her ethnicity was 50% Welsh & she had over 2000 matches to a new family, which included immediate family. It was very obvious & quick to establish who her real father was through the link to brothers & sisters.

    In our case, over 9000 people globally in our family trees have had DNA tests, which is way more than enough to collaborate the relationships in detail.

    As a side comment I have a large family in Australia and I was able to research their whole tree, as the Oz databases , newspapers and shipping records are comprehensive. They’re all tin miners from Cornwall (Poldark) who emigrated en masse in the first settlement convoy.

  20. #95

    Re: DNA testing - results

    Additionally to the comprehensive comment above, the lack of a DNA match can be revealing.

    I have a dead end in my tree of someone (GP), born in around 1760. His surname is uncommon and he lived around the Portsmouth/Gosport area of Hampshire. I have a DNA match to one of his grand-daughters so my line to him is confirmed.

    There is a large cluster of inter-related P's in a village near Portsmouth in the 18thC who were potential relatives. I can now discount them as being connected to my family because I've learnt that two people who provably descend from them have their DNA in the Ancestry pool. They have not appeared in the list of matches.

    So no DNA matches can be as significant as actual matches. Its the Holmes 'Dog that didn't bark' factor.

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