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Thread: Interest rates up 0.5%!

  1. #51

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Don't be silly, mun. We're still paying for the fact Labour screwed the world economy in 2008.
    Well in a famous speech, master of the universe chancellor Gordon Brown assured the City Of London that he had ended "boom and bust" which encouraged everyone to borrow and gamble. He also spent like crazy during the good years. And sold off loads of gold reserves at the bottom of the market. So yeah, Labour must take some of the blame.

  2. #52

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    The economy was wrecked by a worldwide crash in 2008. The Conservative opposition of that time backed the measures Labour took to stop a run on banks - if Labour did wreck the economy, they did it with the backing of the main opposition parties.
    Gordon Brown sold off all our gold reserves for a start, against everyone's advice and cost the country billions. You try to wriggle your way out of the mess Labour made of the economy by blaming it on a worldwide crash (which was at least partly caused by the actions of a labour government anyway) whilst at the same time blaming the Tories for the recent problems with the economy which have been caused by Covid and a war in Ukraine. Make your mind up. Labour backed most of the measures related to Covid and the war but notably voted against the will of the British people all the time during Brexit.

  3. #53
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    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    I'm with you on that. The problem is that the Tories spend half their time telling us how good the economy is and half their time blaming the opposition for how shit it is. Just a bit of honesty would be nice.
    The economy is not great and the volatility is terrible, there has been five years of Brexit, Covid and the Ukraine War and it has had a nasty affect on all of the economies of the World, but especially us with Brexit in addition to the rest of the problems.

  4. #54

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    The economy was wrecked by a worldwide crash in 2008. The Conservative opposition of that time backed the measures Labour took to stop a run on banks - if Labour did wreck the economy, they did it with the backing of the main opposition parties.
    British Banks were told by Gordon Brown that he had ended boom n bust. They acted accordingly, borrowed and gambled with abandon then had to be bailed out when the bust came. By none other than ......Gordon "an end to boom n bust" Brown.....at HUGE cost to the taxpayer.

  5. #55

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    Didn’t most working class folk reside in well built council housing stock in the 70’s ?

    I thought “right to buy” and the obsession with owning your own home was initiated under Margaret Thatcher ?

    My parents bought our council house in the mid seventies - from what I remember it was as part of a council scheme.

  6. #56

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    It was far easier to buy a house in the 1970s than it is now, I don't know how this can be denied? I'm still waiting for someone to address the glaring white elephant in the room that boomers at the same age owned 7x more wealth than millenials at the same age. I don't know why people are ignoring this fact and just denying that financially selfish older generations have ****ed younger ones over big time.

    source- https://www.marketwatch.com/story/th...ers-2019-12-04
    Mass immigration has caused house prices to sky rocket and price millenials out of the market.

  7. #57
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    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Mental post. So when I prove things are shit you say 'stop moaning' while people like you repeatedly vote for right wing governments that cause this shitness.

    And back to this jealousy thing, I'm doing alright, many my age aren't, many younger are struggling and the trends aren't getting better.

    I said this last week, I was accused of being jealous at first, then I said I was doing alright and I got called a champagne socialist, so tell me how much wealth should I have before I can complain that things are shit?

    How well are you doing, got your own house in a resonable area?

    If so you are a champagne socialist and they are the worst kind!

  8. #58
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    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    Mass immigration has caused house prices to sky rocket and price millenials out of the market.

    Light the blue touch paper and

  9. #59

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    Gordon Brown sold off all our gold reserves for a start, against everyone's advice and cost the country billions. You try to wriggle your way out of the mess Labour made of the economy by blaming it on a worldwide crash (which was at least partly caused by the actions of a labour government anyway) whilst at the same time blaming the Tories for the recent problems with the economy which have been caused by Covid and a war in Ukraine. Make your mind up. Labour backed most of the measures related to Covid and the war but notably voted against the will of the British people all the time during Brexit.
    You’re the one applying one set of rules for Labour and another for the Conservatives - blaming Labour for the worldwide crash in 2008 is ludicrous. All I’ve said about the current crisis is that we seem to suffering more than many comparable countries to us. None of what you say addresses my point that the Conservatives and Lib Dems backed the measures taken by Labour fourteen years ago.

  10. #60

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    Light the blue touch paper and

    Ignore him.

  11. #61

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by dml1954 View Post
    Why do you peddle this rubbish ? Labour were in power from 1997 to 2010 and wrecked the economy. Blame them. Its taken the last 12 years to try to recover from what they did and now we have had a pandemic to deal with and Ukraine war as well. Employment and tax revenues are at record highs anyway.

    You can buy 1 , 2 or 3 bedroom properties in Bargoed , Merthyr, Nelson between £70,000 - £120,000. In line with 1980’s prices.

    Depends where you wish to live I guess and what you’re looking for

  12. #62
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    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    You can buy 1 , 2 or 3 bedroom properties in Bargoed , Merthyr, Nelson between £70,000 - £120,000. In line with 1980’s prices.

    Depends where you wish to live I guess and what you’re looking for
    Great point and possible more affordable than many years ago?

  13. #63

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    I'm not aware of that. Any examples?
    You are not aware of the well memed favourite Tory phrase/get out clause of 'the last labour government'?

  14. #64

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    Great point and possible more affordable than many years ago?
    Yes , in relative terms much more affordable with help to buy and the fact that mortgage companies take some means tested benefits into the affordability test.

    The Doucas poster must be looking in North Cardiff

  15. #65

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    How the heck do you know ? You can buy a new 2 bed just outside Cardiff for £250k A 90% mortgage will cost you £1100. You can get mortgages from practically everywhere - the Govt. will even chip in. I had to do odd jobs, save for 3 years with one of only 3 or 4 places you could get a mortgage - then once I'd saved up with them I had an 'interview' . No furniture/carpets, no white good. I had F. all. In those days you just went out and got on with it. Not a penny from my folks, and I didn't expect it either..
    These youngsters could always buy a house up the valleys if they really wanted to get on the ladder,plenty going for less £100,000. And these youngsters can afford it just get rid of their Netflix, top mobile phone contract, Sky, holidays etc. etc but they would rather moan than actually do any of the above.

  16. #66

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Eh! The Tories didn't gain power until 2 years after the 2008 crisis; austerity came much later. I agree that was a very poor policy. We should have been expanding the economy and not reducing it. The argument that there was no money was clearly incorrect as £405bn was found to pay for COVID.
    I know this. My point was when the Tories formed a coalition with the Lib Dems in 2010 the conservative narrative that Labour f*cked the economy and there was no money was created as means of justifying the austerity ideology and Labour were too weak and apologetic instead of fighting that narrative. Had they done so effectively, we still wouldn't have this nonsense that they were totally responsible for 2008 still peddled even today in this thread. So, we're actually in agreement, I think, though I can never really tell on CCMB.

  17. #67

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    I know this. My point was when the Tories formed a coalition with the Lib Dems in 2010 the conservative narrative that Labour f*cked the economy and there was no money was created as means of justifying the austerity ideology and Labour were too weak and apologetic instead of fighting that narrative. Had they done so effectively, we still wouldn't have this nonsense that they were totally responsible for 2008 still peddled even today in this thread. So, we're actually in agreement, I think, though I can never really tell on CCMB.
    I refer to my comment on Page 1 of this thread as follows:

    In answer to Eric's comment - labour did not ruin the economy. It was World factors including a virtual collapse in the Banking system internationally. Labour got the blame for the financial crisis in 2008 but later detailed analyses showed that the problems experienced were due to factors completely outside their control. Again the country is in a growing financial mess due to factors outside governmental control such as COVID fallout and the war in Ukraine (which alone adds around 13% to inflation). It's going to be rough for the next few years.

  18. #68

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    You are not aware of the well memed favourite Tory phrase/get out clause of 'the last labour government'?
    Sorry. I'm none the wiser especially as I asked for specific examples. Anything done or said in response to a Labour government is so irrelevant as it was so long ago.

  19. #69

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Mental post. So when I prove things are shit you say 'stop moaning' while people like you repeatedly vote for right wing governments that cause this shitness.

    And back to this jealousy thing, I'm doing alright, many my age aren't, many younger are struggling and the trends aren't getting better.

    I said this last week, I was accused of being jealous at first, then I said I was doing alright and I got called a champagne socialist, so tell me how much wealth should I have before I can complain that things are shit?
    It's shameful the way comfortably off people talk down to younger people today or people on benefits or the disabled. It's unhelpful and they're in denial, in exactly the unforgivable way they've been in denial about f*cking up the environment.

    I still cite record billion$ profits by Big Oil. It's still going on. They're still f*cking it up.

  20. #70

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by ABLUEBIRD View Post
    These youngsters could always buy a house up the valleys if they really wanted to get on the ladder,plenty going for less £100,000. And these youngsters can afford it just get rid of their Netflix, top mobile phone contract, Sky, holidays etc. etc but they would rather moan than actually do any of the above.
    Massive generalisation but up to you - as of course there are no "older people" who moan about their lot

    My boy has worked since he was 17 in part time jobs until he finished uni and now on the property ladder despite not being in a massively well paid job - he used the pandemic to save whilst being at home and used this to help as did his girlfriend

    My daughter is in a professional occupation in the NHS and pays her way in a house owned by her partner and is waiting on their first joint purchased home together

    Both of my kids have Netflix accounts mobile phones etc but find a balance between the necessities and the wants

    Have they worked hard for it - yes

    I know loads of other young adults their age who have done exactly the same

    Do they moan about their lot definitley not - they are some of the most well adjusted values based decent people I know

    I personally think the future is in better hands for the generation coming through than it was in ours - my view is that as a generation we have royally fecked it all up and they will be left to pick up the pieces

  21. #71

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Mental post. So when I prove things are shit you say 'stop moaning' while people like you repeatedly vote for right wing governments that cause this shitness.

    And back to this jealousy thing, I'm doing alright, many my age aren't, many younger are struggling and the trends aren't getting better.

    I said this last week, I was accused of being jealous at first, then I said I was doing alright and I got called a champagne socialist, so tell me how much wealth should I have before I can complain that things are shit?
    You're 33 and moan constantly. You've probably got another 50 odd years of moaning in you. Why don't you go to France or Germany and moan there if you don't like it here so much.

  22. #72

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody's Rep View Post
    Massive generalisation but up to you - as of course there are no "older people" who moan about their lot

    My boy has worked since he was 17 in part time jobs until he finished uni and now on the property ladder despite not being in a massively well paid job - he used the pandemic to save whilst being at home and used this to help as did his girlfriend

    My daughter is in a professional occupation in the NHS and pays her way in a house owned by her partner and is waiting on their first joint purchased home together

    Both of my kids have Netflix accounts mobile phones etc but find a balance between the necessities and the wants

    Have they worked hard for it - yes

    I know loads of other young adults their age who have done exactly the same

    Do they moan about their lot definitley not - they are some of the most well adjusted values based decent people I know

    I personally think the future is in better hands for the generation coming through than it was in ours - my view is that as a generation we have royally fecked it all up and they will be left to pick up the pieces
    How have we 'fecked it up' ?

  23. #73

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody's Rep View Post
    Massive generalisation but up to you - as of course there are no "older people" who moan about their lot

    My boy has worked since he was 17 in part time jobs until he finished uni and now on the property ladder despite not being in a massively well paid job - he used the pandemic to save whilst being at home and used this to help as did his girlfriend

    My daughter is in a professional occupation in the NHS and pays her way in a house owned by her partner and is waiting on their first joint purchased home together

    Both of my kids have Netflix accounts mobile phones etc but find a balance between the necessities and the wants

    Have they worked hard for it - yes

    I know loads of other young adults their age who have done exactly the same

    Do they moan about their lot definitley not - they are some of the most well adjusted values based decent people I know

    I personally think the future is in better hands for the generation coming through than it was in ours - my view is that as a generation we have royally fecked it all up and they will be left to pick up the pieces
    Well said.

  24. #74

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    From a personal point of view I'm sweating a bit. Had my mortgage approved back in January, but my house move has dragged on and on. RBS have been very good so far and held the offer despite the succession of rate rises. Got my fingers crossed they continue to do so.

  25. #75

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    You're 33 and moan constantly. You've probably got another 50 odd years of moaning in you. Why don't you go to France or Germany and moan there if you don't like it here so much.
    Nice idea, sadly much harder to do that now because some old chumps voted to take the freedom of movement they enjoyed amongst 27 countries away from the following generations

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