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Thread: Interest rates up 0.5%!

  1. #76

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Nice idea, sadly much harder to do that now because some old chumps voted to take the freedom of movement they enjoyed amongst 27 countries away from the following generations
    Well said! Just one pedantic point, they've taken it away from all of us. It's personally a nightmare for me logistically (as you'll no doubt remember from my spats with James Wales) but yeah,

  2. #77

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Nice idea, sadly much harder to do that now because some old chumps voted to take the freedom of movement they enjoyed amongst 27 countries away from the following generations
    Game, set & match

  3. #78

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    Nice idea, sadly much harder to do that now because some old chumps voted to take the freedom of movement they enjoyed amongst 27 countries away from the following generations
    “Some” 17.5 million

  4. #79

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by ABLUEBIRD View Post
    These youngsters could always buy a house up the valleys if they really wanted to get on the ladder,plenty going for less £100,000. And these youngsters can afford it just get rid of their Netflix, top mobile phone contract, Sky, holidays etc. etc but they would rather moan than actually do any of the above.
    Is Netflix, at what 8.99 a month actually deemed a luxury these days? It’s less than 2 pints in a pub…..some saving if you ditch it, that £100 a year….

  5. #80

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    How have we 'fecked it up' ?
    Lack of investment in core industries such as steel manufacturing etc
    Etc etc

  6. #81

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody's Rep View Post
    Lack of investment in core industries such as steel manufacturing etc
    Etc etc
    I'd add cognitive dissonance to that list as biggie:

    'The discomfort is triggered by the person's belief clashing with new information perceived, wherein the individual tries to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their discomfort.'

  7. #82

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    I'd add cognitive dissonance to that list as biggie:

    'The discomfort is triggered by the person's belief clashing with new information perceived, wherein the individual tries to find a way to resolve the contradiction to reduce their discomfort.'
    That has gone straight over my head and not sure if you are having a go at me or not 😂😂

  8. #83

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nobody's Rep View Post
    That has gone straight over my head and not sure if you are having a go at me or not ����
    No, I'm not having a go. I was concerned you might think that. It's something I believe a lot of people on here practice. It's worth reading about. I find this interesting. Sorry, mate. I've talked about this stuff before. I'm actually agreeing with you.


  9. #84

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Is Netflix, at what 8.99 a month actually deemed a luxury these days? It’s less than 2 pints in a pub…..some saving if you ditch it, that £100 a year….
    Don’t know mate I’m old and don’t have Netflix, nor a £30+per month phone contract or Sky at what £60 plus , you see how it all adds up

  10. #85

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    You're 33 and moan constantly. You've probably got another 50 odd years of moaning in you. Why don't you go to France or Germany and moan there if you don't like it here so much.
    Old people like you made it much much harder to move countries after the catastrophically stupid brexit vote...

  11. #86

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    When you think about it, if we can't moan on a football forum, no matter what our age, socio-economic group, ethnicity, gender, political leanings etc. when can we moan? In fact where can we moan? We're football supporters, it's what we do.

  12. #87

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    I miss Cyril.

  13. #88

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    How well are you doing, got your own house in a resonable area?

    If so you are a champagne socialist and they are the worst kind!
    For the fourth time on this forum I'll ask, what's the exact amount of wealth I should have before I can complain about inequality in the UK? I repeatedly get called a champagne socialist or told I'm just jealous of the wealthy.

    So come on, step up and tell me.

  14. #89

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    No, I'm not having a go. I was concerned you might think that. It's something I believe a lot of people on here practice. It's worth reading about. I find this interesting. Sorry, mate. I've talked about this stuff before. I'm actually agreeing with you.

    Cheers will have a look 👍

  15. #90

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Is Netflix, at what 8.99 a month actually deemed a luxury these days? It’s less than 2 pints in a pub…..some saving if you ditch it, that £100 a year….
    I have that sorted, got my daughter to pay for it so its free for me

  16. #91

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    I don't know why people are ignoring this fact and just denying that financially selfish older generations have ****ed younger ones over big time.
    as Mike Rutherford once sang, Every generation, Blames the one before ( always knew at some point in my life I could use that , today is the day )

    its not a new thing, I can remember the old boys on site when I was a apprentice blaming the last generation for this and that

  17. #92

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by ABLUEBIRD View Post
    Don’t know mate I’m old and don’t have Netflix, nor a £30+per month phone contract or Sky at what £60 plus , you see how it all adds up
    Not to old to sign up on here though after all these years…..it’s free all this knowledge you’ll gain

  18. #93

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    as Mike Rutherford once sang, Every generation, Blames the one before ( always knew at some point in my life I could use that , today is the day )

    its not a new thing, I can remember the old boys on site when I was a apprentice blaming the last generation for this and that
    Yeah, but I think pretty much being responsible for a 6th extinction event is a bit of a biggie Matt and guarantees nobody will be writing songs about it. https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/what-...sixth-one.html

  19. #94
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Old people like you made it much much harder to move countries after the catastrophically stupid brexit vote...
    Catastrophically stupid in your opinion.

  20. #95

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    Light the blue touch paper and

    No one can argue with it.

    Japan have had stable house prices since 1997 because they won't accept mass immigration.

  21. #96

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    No one can argue with it.

    Japan have had stable house prices since 1997 because they won't accept mass immigration.
    Don’t they have mortgages you pass on to your offspring, like 50 years or so?

  22. #97
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    When you read through the post on hear you can see they are just base on hated of a specific party , somewhere in the middle of all this is the truth , global events effect the economy whatever party is in power its what folk call globalism or being party of a bigger environment like the EU , incredibility for such a small such a small island /land mass compared to the huge continents and countries we are the sixth-largest national economy in the world and equally importantly the eighth-largest by purchasing power .

    Now take a look at the political parties that have ruled over us in the last 60 years and you may find one party has been in charge of for the majority of time including the public purse that controls the NHS , Education , Police , Security ,the next question one may ask are the majority in a desperate position ??

    Could we do better of course we could ,have we become spoilt perhaps ?

    Do other countries have it worse , well yes as our wealth is 6th out of 193 countries and some have been starving for decades as we just waste ??

    Is there a worse cost of living and poverty crisis elsewhere compared to what we face now I guess the answer would be yes and has been for decades , do we really care because our mortgages go up whilst others live in dreadful housing around the world ??? are we only reacting now because we can feel it coming ??

    By the way town was busy tonight and it wasn't full of millionaires zzzzzzzzzzz

  23. #98

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    No one can argue with it.

    Japan have had stable house prices since 1997 because they won't accept mass immigration.

    Japan has also had stagnant wages and and a currency under increasing pressure from external factors such as rising fuel prices that is getting more difficult to manage. Their ability to service a debt at 250% of gdp isn't looking as easy as it used to be.
    Can't see what their immigration policy has to do with the price of fish tbh.

  24. #99

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bloop View Post

    Japan has also had stagnant wages and and a currency under increasing pressure from external factors such as rising fuel prices that is getting more difficult to manage. Their ability to service a debt at 250% of gdp isn't looking as easy as it used to be.
    Can't see what their immigration policy has to do with the price of fish tbh.
    Immigration and population numbers directly affect house prices. Japan are famous for rejecting mass immigration and their house prices have been stable since 1997. Not that difficult to work out.

  25. #100

    Re: Interest rates up 0.5%!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    Immigration and population numbers directly affect house prices. Japan are famous for rejecting mass immigration and their house prices have been stable since 1997. Not that difficult to work out.
    Not that difficult to work out that there are more factors involved than a simple migration policy.

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