Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
The net immigration to the UK over the past decade is 2,000,000. The UK has built 1.8 million homes. So there should be enough - in broad terms anyway. But only a tiny majority of those 2,000,000 are taking out mortgages and living in their 'own' homes;. They are either renting privately or through PSH. This pushes rents up from the bottom. A big change in the last 15-20yrs is the number of single people buying homes and living alone. Again this puts pressure on supply and prices go up. Finally, for 14 years interest rates have been ridiculously low following the 2008 crash. Buying a home - or perhaps put better - paying a mortgage - had never been so cheap. Again, this pushes prices up.
This is 100% wrong.