Quote Originally Posted by Claude Blue View Post
Can one not point out that we're on the road to "fascism" (or more correctly, autocracy) or do we have to wait until we're there before calling it out, by which time it's obviously too late?

Certain individuals within and actions from the current government suggest to me that this road is being travelled. I'm sure you disagree but don't attempt to silence those of us who can see the direction of travel
There's no attempt to silence. Just stating my position.

That you interpret that as an attempt to silence may mean that other things are equally misinterpreted as fascism?

I see no evidence of it whatsoever to be honest. Our prime minister has been held to account by the press, by the judiciary and by protesters in recent months. Having been democratically elected in 2019 he stood down and the new leader will face an election within the next 3 years.

I do have concerns about creeping authoritarianism, most notably about an economy shifting away from cash which I consider a very dangerous precedent, the power of big tech, as well as the ease with which Covid restrictions were imposed and stuck, but I don't think we are remotely close to fascism.