Quote Originally Posted by DryCleaning View Post
Hitler modelled the NSDAP on Mussolinis black shirts. The nazis were fascists on steroids
Nah very few people get past the hysterical propoganda of National Socialism and Fascism and therefore don't know what they're talking about. I don't blame them, the propoganda is strong. Hitler may have taken aspects from Italy, but the German national Socialists were distinctly different from Italian fascists.
The main difference between Fascism and National Socialism is the role of the state in each system. Fascism is for statism, it teaches that the state is primary. And that the state forms the nation. In contrast National Socialism teaches that the native folk/people are primary and form the nation.In National Socialism the state serves the folk. National Socialism is NOT totalitarian.

Here is a quote from Italy's Fascist leader Benitto Mussolini from The Doctrine Of Fascism...

"The Fascist conception of the state is all embracing; outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist, much less have any worth. Thus understood, Fascism is totalitarian, and the Fascist state, a synthesis and a unit of all values, interprets, develops and potentiates the whole life of a people...it is not the nation that generates the state, rather it is the state that generates the nation, conferring volition and therefore real life on people. In the Fascist conception the state is an absolute before which individuals and groups are relative..."

Now contrast this with a quote from Hitler on National Socialism ...

"The state is only a means to an end. It's end and it's purpose are to preserve and promote a community of human beings who are physically aswell as spiritually kindered...states which do not serve this purpose have no justification for their existence. They are monstrosities"