Quote Originally Posted by Canton Kev View Post
Manager at a bar/restaurant. We’ve got 17 members of staff so we’re only a small business.

The frustrating thing is it’s absolutely no one’s fault. I’ve worked at and know of businesses that have ceased to exist in the past and it’s always been due to poor management, bad owners, non viable business plan, etc. But even if we do everything by the book to the best we can, it’s out of our hands.

Another concern is that for places like us, this isn’t just a winter issue. Our energy usage is pretty consistent throughout the year so we can’t just “get through the winter” and enjoy lower expenses in spring/summer.
It's only really dawned on me recently how doubly ****ed hospitality is going to be, significantly lower average household disposable income (if not minus) coupled with absolutely massive energy bills and no way to lower them.

Feel for you and anybody else in this situation.