I'm intrigued why governments switched course earlier this year instead of continuing along the same spectacularly successful track of false positive tests, manufactured 'with' Covid deaths and euthanizing the elderly in care homes using Midazolam. It was going swimmingly with obedient Teletubbies loving their reward of a digital vaccine passport while relishing the prospect of 'anti-vaxxers' being punished to a far greater extent than exclusion from sports stadia and nightclubs.

Sure, they can resurrect the scheme whenever they wish. If indeed the clot shotted have a maximum life expectancy of five years post their initial mRNA jab, as professor Dolores Cahill maintains, then surely TPTB also know. What better way to camouflage an immense die off than inventing mythical deadly variants whose symptoms include heart disease and fast-acting cancers?

Here's a two-minute video of a bloke who claims he partook in a 2013 trial involving an mRNA jab. He says the few survivors, including him, have all suffered heart attacks. He says all was dandy for two years before his health went south. I have an inkling we won't be seeing him on BBC or Sky News.

IN A 2013 TRIAL OF OVER 200,000 PEOPLE TESTING MRNA-BASED MEDICATION - LESS THAN 5 ARE ALIVE TODAY https://www.bitchute.com/video/tbtePmwJU75S/