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Thread: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

  1. #26

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    How was he lazy? The footballer didn't embarrass him. The left wing press decided it was his job to feed other peoples kids. So he yielded. The lockdowns were a massively exspensive over reaction, which will never be repeated when faced with a similar virus. The benefits of Brexit are yet to be realised, far too early. What about a higher degree of democracy we now have since removing the "democratic deficit" of Brussels rule?
    Soaring inflation is due to the Ukraine conflict. Are you against Britain's support for Ukraine? ( i am)
    The huge backlogs in the NHS are due to a very strict lockdown that you wanted more of...
    Strikes are due to Ukraine induced inflation, as are utility bills sky rocketing. Again, are you against the American empire fighting a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine? Kier Starmer isn't, so you'd have soaring inflation with him and he sacked a front bencher for turning up at a strikers picket lol Starmer also wanted a larger lockdown. So the NHS backlog would be even worse.
    What evidence do you have that inflation is because of the Ukraine war? Inflation was rising before the war especially utility bills.
    Whilst our electricity bills are going through the roof they have gone up by just 4% in France.

    Why is it you Tories always look to put the blame elsewhere. Its never your fault is it?

    As for Johnson not being lazy he couldn't he bothered to turn up for the crucial Cobra meetings. He missed five consecutive meetings in the build up to the covid crisis because he was trying to sort out the mess in his personal life

    Its also nonsense to suggest the Ukraine war is the cause of the current strikes. Why aren't there strikes around the rest of Europe then? Bottom line public sector pay had been diminishing in real terms for years under the Tories and people have had enough

    About time your lot took responsibility for the mess the country is in. You've been in power for over 12 years

  2. #27

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Certainly a minus for me.
    Not just him but this whole shower
    Truss has the potential to be far worse. But on a positive they’ve woken lots of people like me, fairly centrist slightly left, who can’t wait to get them out in a couple of years

  3. #28

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    I like these Boris Johnson threads.

    They're always a decent way to spot the wishy-washy, sensitive, communist bleeding hearts from the massive cuunts.

  4. #29

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    What evidence do you have that inflation is because of the Ukraine war? Inflation was rising before the war especially utility bills.
    Whilst our electricity bills are going through the roof they have gone up by just 4% in France.

    Why is it you Tories always look to put the blame elsewhere. Its never your fault is it?

    As for Johnson not being lazy he couldn't he bothered to turn up for the crucial Cobra meetings. He missed five consecutive meetings in the build up to the covid crisis because he was trying to sort out the mess in his personal life

    Its also nonsense to suggest the Ukraine war is the cause of the current strikes. Why aren't there strikes around the rest of Europe then? Bottom line public sector pay had been diminishing in real terms for years under the Tories and people have had enough

    About time your lot took responsibility for the mess the country is in. You've been in power for over 12 years
    I agree with some of the above post but there are a few inaccuracies.

    Bills have gone up less in France possibly because their main suppliers are nationalised and there is a relatively heavy reliance on nuclear. The nuclear programme was abandoned in the UK when Labour cancelled 10 proposed nuclear plants by declaring "No more Nuclear". There were good reasons for that at the time as there was concern about the disposal of nuclear waste. Nonetheless the comparison with France is not that relevant.

    I must admit I chuckled at the mention of Johnson not attending COBRA meetings. That of course is true but in my experience PMs rarely attend them unless the matter to be discussed escalates to a full blown emergency. While Johnson did not attend the early meetings he was fully engaged later on. Your comment however, about sorting out the mess with his personal life rings true but again I don't think not attending early COBRA meetings is directly linked to his personal situation.

    I'm not a fan of Johnson either but I understand how the things you have raised suddenly become fact.

  5. #30

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    The man is like a village idiot

    Get the Tories out

  6. #31

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    A bit like TOBW I'll give him a bit of credit for rolling out the vaccine, but apart from that he's been the worst PM in my lifetime (and probably before that too).

  7. #32

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by Lither_1927 View Post
    How was he lazy? The footballer didn't embarrass him. The left wing press decided it was his job to feed other peoples kids. So he yielded. The lockdowns were a massively exspensive over reaction, which will never be repeated when faced with a similar virus. The benefits of Brexit are yet to be realised, far too early. What about a higher degree of democracy we now have since removing the "democratic deficit" of Brussels rule?
    Soaring inflation is due to the Ukraine conflict. Are you against Britain's support for Ukraine? ( i am)
    The huge backlogs in the NHS are due to a very strict lockdown that you wanted more of...
    Strikes are due to Ukraine induced inflation, as are utility bills sky rocketing. Again, are you against the American empire fighting a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine? Kier Starmer isn't, so you'd have soaring inflation with him and he sacked a front bencher for turning up at a strikers picket lol Starmer also wanted a larger lockdown. So the NHS backlog would be even worse.
    Mate! best go have a lay down eh!.. cup of Horlicks and sleeping pill. You'll wake up as right as rain.

  8. #33

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    I agree with some of the above post but there are a few inaccuracies.

    Bills have gone up less in France possibly because their main suppliers are nationalised and there is a relatively heavy reliance on nuclear. The nuclear programme was abandoned in the UK when Labour cancelled 10 proposed nuclear plants by declaring "No more Nuclear". There were good reasons for that at the time as there was concern about the disposal of nuclear waste. Nonetheless the comparison with France is not that relevant.

    I must admit I chuckled at the mention of Johnson not attending COBRA meetings. That of course is true but in my experience PMs rarely attend them unless the matter to be discussed escalates to a full blown emergency. While Johnson did not attend the early meetings he was fully engaged later on. Your comment however, about sorting out the mess with his personal life rings true but again I don't think not attending early COBRA meetings is directly linked to his personal situation.

    I'm not a fan of Johnson either but I understand how the things you have raised suddenly become fact.
    He was a fool. He didn't take covid seriously
    I recall him boasting that he was shaking hands with covid patients in hospital at a time when he was clear the virus was dangerous. ...and then promptly caught cobid......and don't get me started on the billions thrown away to cronies ob track and trace

    Agree about the nationalisation bit regarding electricity. All those privatisations of our utilities under the Tories in the 80's don't look at all good now.

    There is so much more I could add. The explosion of food banks and our schools desperately short of funds being cases in point

  9. #34

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Soaring inflation is due to the Ukraine conflict? The NHS backlog is only due to covid? Too soon to see any brexit benefits? Who lets these people vote, ****ing terrifying.

  10. #35

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten


    Not many PMs have had anywhere near as much to deal with.

  11. #36

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Completely useless. He hasn't achieved any sort of wind up he’s been utterly humiliated with the world watching. Rightly so.

  12. #37

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post
    I like these Boris Johnson threads.

    They're always a decent way to spot the wishy-washy, sensitive, communist bleeding hearts from the massive cuunts.
    So you can judge a person whom you have never met as a cnunt just because they may vote for a party that’s currently in power , I’ve voted for all parties over the years depending on what policies which may sway my vote.

    You can be as working class as they come and still vote Tory can’t you ?

  13. #38

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    What evidence do you have that inflation is because of the Ukraine war? Inflation was rising before the war especially utility bills.
    Whilst our electricity bills are going through the roof they have gone up by just 4% in France.

    Why is it you Tories always look to put the blame elsewhere. Its never your fault is it?

    As for Johnson not being lazy he couldn't he bothered to turn up for the crucial Cobra meetings. He missed five consecutive meetings in the build up to the covid crisis because he was trying to sort out the mess in his personal life

    Its also nonsense to suggest the Ukraine war is the cause of the current strikes. Why aren't there strikes around the rest of Europe then? Bottom line public sector pay had been diminishing in real terms for years under the Tories and people have had enough

    About time your lot took responsibility for the mess the country is in. You've been in power for over 12 years
    I listen to radio4 all day, talk to many people. Not once has anyone tried claiming inflation was anything other than primarily, a Ukraine induced problem. Why? Sanctions on a huge energy producer(Russia) pushing global fuel prices sky high. Also, Ukrainian agriculture is affecting the supply of grains and cooking oil, again pushing the global price UP. The reason French energy bills have only gone up 4% is two fold. Firstly, state intervention. Secondly and importantly. Decades ago, The French heavily invested in Nuclear power, granting them a degree of fuel independence and insulating them from fluctuations in the global gas market. Inflation is real and a global problem, you are right, it began creeping up marginally during covid due to supply chain issues caused by lockdown. Make no.mistake, the Ukraine conflict is the huge driver behind inflation.
    Maybe there are strikes around the rest of Europe. Is there?
    Sri Lankans ransacked their leaders homes and brought the government due to inflation. It's definitely not a British phenomenon caused by the Tories. I am Conservative but i'm not a Tory, i can't stand most of the current Tories with their lies and phony sound bites. I just think Labour are far far worse.

  14. #39

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    So you can judge a person whom you have never met as a cnunt just because they may vote for a party that’s currently in power , I’ve voted for all parties over the years depending on what policies which may sway my vote.

    You can be as working class as they come and still vote Tory can’t you ?
    Being a Conservative is increasingly becoming a working class trait. Evidenced by Boris's victory in swathes of Labour heartlands in the last GE. The idea that Labour are for the working class is for the birds. They despise the working class but see them as a nessacary evil in order to gain power and implement bat shit crazy ideas. Remember Gordon Brown's disdain for a Labour voter when his mic was unwittingly left on? Or the time Emily Thornbury made some unsavoury, sneering comments about "white van man"

  15. #40

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    So you can judge a person whom you have never met as a cnunt just because they may vote for a party that’s currently in power , I’ve voted for all parties over the years depending on what policies which may sway my vote.

    You can be as working class as they come and still vote Tory can’t you ?

    Boris Johnson voters usually (not all) fell into the following three categories.

    Brexity cuunts,
    Tory cuunts and
    Stupid (lied to) cuunts.

    There's a theme there for you.

  16. #41

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    • Gene therapy pusher
    • Net zero pusher
    • Subservient to the Wefers and denied Nobel prized therapeutics which could have saved 1,000's & 1,000's of lives
    • Traitor to the UK
    • Liar
    • Supporter of the Nazi government of Ukraine
    • Generally a runt with a capital C
    • poorest PM of my voting eligibility beating Blair significantly
    • Allowed his business chums to make obscene profits during C19
    • Put the knife into smaller businesses during C19 allowing the big box stores (Amazon) to mop up

    • Increased the divide between those who have and those who have next to nothing
    • Failed the NHS
    • Delivered a broken oven Brexit
    • Failed to deal with the energy issue, announcing Sizewell whilst shutting the door too little too late
    • Failed to provide any affordable housing
    • Backed vanity project HS2 in favour of a country wide infrastructure plan
    • Levelled up nothing
    • Basically F/All

    Marks out of 10 ?


  17. #42

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    He disgraced the office of PM. He only ever wanted the title, never the workload.
    Brexit is far from ‘done’, and even if it was done, that’s no achievement. The biggest act of self harm a country has ever embarked on.
    The vaccine? Did Boris produce it? Like hell.
    Standing up to Putin? He’s made some speeches and walked around Kyev.


  18. #43

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post

    Boris Johnson voters usually (not all) fell into the following three categories.

    Brexity cuunts,
    Tory cuunts and
    Stupid (lied to) cuunts.

    There's a theme there for you.
    Theme being you think anyone with a different view is a cuunt?

  19. #44
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten


    It would have been 0 for the idle, serial liar, but he made Cameron and May look mildly capable by comparison - and that is an achievement!

    Although on reflection a score of 1 is way too high. I’ll stick with 0.

  20. #45

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Theme being you think anyone with a different view is a cuunt?
    Good to see your nuance radar is back in working order.

  21. #46

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by TWGL1 View Post
    So you can judge a person whom you have never met as a cnunt just because they may vote for a party that’s currently in power , I’ve voted for all parties over the years depending on what policies which may sway my vote.

    You can be as working class as they come and still vote Tory can’t you ?
    Well you can but it's either the selfish type who buys a council house or a dopey sod who votes for a party that craps on them . Then votes for them again .

    Dull ****er or selfish ****er

  22. #47

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post

    Boris Johnson voters usually (not all) fell into the following three categories.

    Brexity cuunts,
    Tory cuunts and
    Stupid (lied to) cuunts.

    There's a theme there for you.
    I’m sincerely glad you didn’t say all….

    Left or right wing are all from the same bird my friend if you believe otherwise you’re a fool.

  23. #48

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    I agree with some of the above post but there are a few inaccuracies.

    Bills have gone up less in France possibly because their main suppliers are nationalised and there is a relatively heavy reliance on nuclear. The nuclear programme was abandoned in the UK when Labour cancelled 10 proposed nuclear plants by declaring "No more Nuclear". There were good reasons for that at the time as there was concern about the disposal of nuclear waste. Nonetheless the comparison with France is not that relevant.

    I must admit I chuckled at the mention of Johnson not attending COBRA meetings. That of course is true but in my experience PMs rarely attend them unless the matter to be discussed escalates to a full blown emergency. While Johnson did not attend the early meetings he was fully engaged later on. Your comment however, about sorting out the mess with his personal life rings true but again I don't think not attending early COBRA meetings is directly linked to his personal situation.

    I'm not a fan of Johnson either but I understand how the things you have raised suddenly become fact.
    Some facts for you Vindec.

    When Labour left office in 2010 there were plans for as many as 10 nuclear power stations.

    It was the coalition government of 2010/15 that failed to start building them.

    In power for over 12 years the Conservative party have done virtually nothing to increase nuclear power.

    In 2017 the Conservative government allowed gas storage to be slashed. This was done purely to increase profit and is a major part of the gas price problem today.

    Conservative governments since 2015 have not invested sufficiently in green energy such as wind and solar.

    But, of course, it's all the fault of the Labour Party

  24. #49

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Well you can but it's either the selfish type who buys a council house or a dopey sod who votes for a party that craps on them . Then votes for them again .

    Dull ****er or selfish ****er
    Very much a generalisation there my friend, as usual.

  25. #50

    Re: Rate Boris's reign out of ten

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Well you can but it's either the selfish type who buys a council house or a dopey sod who votes for a party that craps on them . Then votes for them again .

    Dull ****er or selfish ****er

    Absolute bollocks. Both sets of my grandparents died in council accommodation. They left next to nothing to my parents.

    My ex partners father was Ely stock, bought his ex council house and as a result managed to pass on something to his kids.

    Why the fk should making money from property be the preserve of the wealthy and denied to working class people?

    The issue isn’t that some people who lived in their own homes were allowed to gain the value of them, it’s that not enough new council housing was built to replace it.

    I've noticed, it is nearly always people who own their own homes that seek to prevent others from having the right to do the same.

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