Quote Originally Posted by Ninja View Post
Tongwynlais is a separate one I believe, before this latest one, which they've refused to name. This one is the third I'm aware of and is not the Copthorne which was taken over some time ago.

Bear in mind, local people have to fight for "floor space" at the Huggard Centre. They are made to sleep there for months, among junkies and alcoholics who regularly cause problems, or lose their chance of a room in a shitty hostel some time in the future. Would you consider this acceptable?

It's not a right-wing thing Sludge, so there's no need to lean so far left on this.
It's simply a disgraceful situation introduced and endorsed by a Tory government.
I worked in homeless provision in Cardiff. People with housing problems are rarely homeless without any other problems

Drug , alcohol abuse , mental health problems generally go hand in hand

It's far from perfect that people who find themselves homeless are forced to put up with violence and abuse and alcohol and drug taking and intimidation .......but its part of the package unfortunately, its all very complex and I don't know anyone who would think it's a satisfactory situation

This thing certainly is a political issue , the comments on that Wales online are appalling . Give them a read and tell me its not right wing ?

White Patriot groups sticking leaflets through letterboxes trying to whip up hatred ?

Read the report you asked me to Google and tell me if you think comments made are not offensive and racist ?