Don't speak Welsh and I wish the whole topic would be depoliticised somewhat. Language is how people communicate. How mothers speak to children, how people order coffees, how people greet themselves etc.

There is no need for the endless political projects to promote the language. It is growing, it is not under threat. What's needed is more organic Welsh within the community.

Whenever this is put to the test, anecdotally or otherwise, Welsh rarely seems to be used; be it enquiries on companies dedicated welsh lines, requests for data in welsh, cash machine withdrawals in welsh, even down to the fact I used to live near Glan Taf and would walk past kids on the way to work - they were never conversing in Welsh together - why is that?

I enjoy the language as an outsider. I like listening to the music on radio cymru, I think it's nice to hear it spoken and I wish we had more welsh folk music nights in town etc, but I'm not convinced the endless agitation and promotion helps if I'm honest.