It's not a loss if someone steps in to reduce the borrowing (as long as it's by legal means). How do you think Cardiff have managed to avoid it?
Financial Fair Play was introduced ostensibly to protect smaller clubs from unscrupulous owners, who could borrow excessively, and bankrupt their club. Sadly, clubs have continued to go out of business, so you could say it had failed, in that respect. What it was actually for, was to protect the positions of the big European clubs, and to that end it has worked brilliantly, to the point where they are almost out of sight, and out of reach. Only serious unlimited money can get round things as they stand (like Newcastle, Man City).

I know I seem to bring this subject up on a regular basis, but in recent years I've come to the conclusion that the whole set-up is there to benefit and protect the big clubs, and the rest can go hang. Sorry, but it's true.