Quote Originally Posted by dembethewarrior View Post
I offered advice.

Tlg told you where to find the info.

Dorcus has said what I've said but nicer.

Stop playing the victim mate, you know full well what you're doing on these threads "the usuals casue arguments"

Read it back. Tlg literally tells you where to find the answers, you choose not to listen..

I've told you you repeat yourself, because you do.

Like said above, less is more,why not listen and stop super spamming multiple threads with the same posts, yes people can put you on ignore but you can still be quoted...so your still visible..why not make a conscious effort to stop repeating yourself instead of multiple people putting you on ignore..
Not playing the victim in the slightest.

I started a thread asking a question that nobody seems to know the answer to. That's about it really.