Again, the stark difference here is that the Nazis repressed and then slaughtered Jews (and others). Jews were not paying thousands of pounds to enter Germany. That some people fail to grasp this very basic and very important fact is difficult for me to comprehend to be honest. Indeed it these absurd accusations were correct then why would anyone want to come here? Either you are wrong or you think these people are stupid and/or suicidal?

We all know that people don't seriously think this is remotely comparable to Nazi Germany, but it's a handy and emotive tool to batter the government with whilst ignoring the real issues. People don't care that it will cause genuine concern for some vulnerable people. Whats a bit of scaremongering if you can play party politics eh?

The reality is that all policy areas in every government in every country and sometimes tightened up and sometimes liberalised, be that welfare, tax avoidance, speed limits or in this case the asylum system? Why? Because the system is being abused and isn't working.

By definition, the asylum process willy only ever involve foreign nationals. As such when this process is tightened (as is deemed necessary) it will require tough language that only applies to foreign nationals by definition.

As an example, when other parties talked of being 'tough on crime' this is also the same kind of thing the Nazis said, as they had a very illiberal approach to crime punishment. It doesn't mean being tough on crime here, in 2023 means we are becoming like the nazi state.

Honestly, these comparisons are so fkn disrespectful to the millions of genuine victims of fascism it beggars belief that people are so casual about making them.