I've been having a gander at Zelensky's palace, the Mariinskyi, and very nice it is too.

A hop and a skip and a stone's throw from it are various other government buildings, including the Ukrainian parliament.

From my Sherlock-ing, during the past 13 months since Russia's special military operation begun, only rain, snow and bird **it has fallen on them despite them providing huge potential targets for Vlad's astonishing array of super-duper unstoppable missiles.

We are led to believe the reason Russia invaded was to protect the lives of ethnic Russians living in eastern Ukraine straddling Russia's border and to 'de-Nazify' those areas. An estimated 14,000 had died due to Ukrainian shelling since 2014.

It's a real puzzler why Putin has no qualms about laying waste to entire Ukrainian towns and cities while never taking the opportunity to send a rocket down the chimney of their parliament where 420 MPs regularly gather. It's a head-scratcher because it is they who guide Ukraine's policies but they appear to be untouchable while every other Ukrainian is fair game.