Quote Originally Posted by Tito Fuente View Post
"This is *my* opinion on Viera..." (It's Vieira by the way, but that's ok, the thread you stole your post from spelt it wrong too)

You said it was your opinion but you copied and pasted someone else's opinion from a Palace forum almost verbatim.

The only difference is that you changed the nouns to make it sound like it hadn't come from a Palace fan.

Unfortunately you missed one which was picked up by Dembethewarrior.

I'm not trolling or undermining you.

Belittling? Maybe. That's your fault for trying to pass off a Palace fan's views as your own.

It should be highly embarrassing. I'm having second hand embarrassment for you
What does it matter out of thousands of posts on the sacking I agreed with this one, you’re like a little school child who’s run to the teacher to tell on the guy knocking off a lesson.