Lots of people will lose jobs as they become less efficient and obsolete compared to what replaces them.

Which is nothing new. Farmhands sowed fields with tools and by hand before being replaced by cattle pulling heavy machinery which was in turn replaced with tractors pulling machines stuffed with electronics and computers to sow fields at the maximum efficiency.

How many people and how many hours did it take to build a car in a factory in 1923 compared to 2023?

There is a difference this time potentially. Previously improvements in technology would tend to take jobs away from the working class. With AI, I think it’ll disproportionately affect higher income white collar professions. Bankers, analysts, coders, marketing, etc.

With AI, in theory, it’s a lot easier to replace people who sit at a desk and spend 8 hours at a computer compared to bar staff, cleaners, shopkeepers, bin men, cabbies, builders, etc.