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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #8951

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    He was in his 50's she 60
    she suggest that Trump buy a handbag or a hat, ( the two ) reputedly moved on to the
    ( lingerie section) sheceasnt grageed there , and then (joked) about the other trying some on??? Carroll said they
    ( ended ) up a dressing room together, again ending up nit forced ??
    Oooh, a bit roomy in there.” “Suit you, sir!”

    Clinton jizzed all over poor old Monica, Kennedys shagged anything on two legs, what is going on eiv these presidents ?

    I'm sure when old touchy feely Biden retires ( see videos on Google ) the truth will flow as will the cases

    That's what happens when you type with one hand whilst thinking about events I guess!

    Still I think you have put any lingering doubts about just how misogynistic you actually are with the last few posts in this thread, so well done you!

  2. #8952

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Statute Of Limitations On Sexual Assault Eliminated For One Year In New York Following Passage Of The Adult Survivors Act


  3. #8953

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Statute Of Limitations On Sexual Assault Eliminated For One Year In New York Following Passage Of The Adult Survivors Act


  4. #8954

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    We've all had a rummage around in our youth, well the full bloodied ones have ?
    Sexual assault being called rummaging? This is the worst comment I've seen in this forum. Are you saying you've 'rummaged around' then?

  5. #8955

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    Sexual assault being called rummaging? This is the worst comment I've seen in this forum. Are you saying you've 'rummaged around' then?
    Who knows...another man that thinks it's fine to rummage around a woman's parts because it's a bit of fun and a laugh.

  6. #8956

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by az city View Post
    I pity you.

  7. #8957

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    so it was really was treason after all

  8. #8958

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    trumps reacted as expected

    Trump on Durham report: "The American public was scammed, just as it is scammed right now.

  9. #8959

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    trumps reacted as expected

    Trump on Durham report: "The American public was scammed, just as it is scammed right now.
    You are a latecomer to this stuff Mozz so you can be forgiven for not realising this is not quite the triumphant valediction you think it is.

    You see for the best part of 6 years your fellow travellers have bombarded this Board with gifted certainty that this was all a Deep-State plot to undermine and remove an elected President of the USA. Equally certain that the perpetrators, Strozok, Page, Brennan, Lynch, Comey and even Hilary Clinton would be brought to justice and shipped off in orange suits and chains to Guantanamo Bay.

    Instead what we get after four years of hard grift is a report that rehashes something the OIG produced at the start of Durham's appointment, a single prosecution on a plea bargain and two outright acquittals of low ranking officials of the only cases that he could get to court. Even Durham in his 300 page self justification couldn't get a whiff of any plot against Trump....nada.

    I guess I could base the majority of future contributions spinning the phrase Durham Conclusion Delusion in an endless loop but there is more than enough ludicrous back copy in this and other threads to keep me more than entertained for the forseeable!

  10. #8960

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    You are a latecomer to this stuff Mozz so you can be forgiven for not realising this is not quite the triumphant valediction you think it is.

    You see for the best part of 6 years your fellow travellers have bombarded this Board with gifted certainty that this was all a Deep-State plot to undermine and remove an elected President of the USA. Equally certain that the perpetrators, Strozok, Page, Brennan, Lynch, Comey and even Hilary Clinton would be brought to justice and shipped off in orange suits and chains to Guantanamo Bay.

    Instead what we get after four years of hard grift is a report that rehashes something the OIG produced at the start of Durham's appointment, a single prosecution on a plea bargain and two outright acquittals of low ranking officials of the only cases that he could get to court. Even Durham in his 300 page self justification couldn't get a whiff of any plot against Trump....nada.

    I guess I could base the majority of future contributions spinning the phrase Durham Conclusion Delusion in an endless loop but there is more than enough ludicrous back copy in this and other threads to keep me more than entertained for the forseeable!
    Were you the Captain of the Titanic in another life?

  11. #8961

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    The Durham Report

    A quick analysis


    15 MAY 2023

    Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation – an inquiry into government corruption, lies to secret courts, the weaponization of the US intelligence apparatus, the FBI’s attempt to take down a sitting president – has concluded.

    The Durham Report has been released.

    Here are some of the main findings:

    * “The FBI discounted or wilfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia.”

    * Crossfire Hurricane “was opened as a full investigation without [the FBI] ever having spoken to the persons who provided that information.” Days after it was opened, Peter Strzok was telling a London FBI employee that “there’s nothing to this.”

    * Internal FBI communications discussing the Crossfire Hurricane during its early stages: it’s “thin” and “it sucks”.

    * British Intelligence pushed back on Mueller requests for assistance: “[a British Intelligence person] basically said there was no [expletive] way in hell they were going to do it.”

    * Durham documents TWO investigations into Hillary Clinton - one involving the Clinton Foundation and one involving illegal foreign contributions to Clinton’s Campaign.

    * In one Clinton Campaign investigation, an FBI confidential human source (CHS) had offered an illegal foreign contribution to the campaign through an intermediary. The Clinton Campaign was “okay with it” and “were fully aware”. The CHS offered the FBI a copy of the credit card charge; the FBI never got receipts. In fact, the FBI handling agent told the CHS “to stay away from all events relating to Clinton’s campaign.”

    * In February 2016, FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe directed the Clinton Foundation investigation to be shut down. He walked that back after receiving push-back, but McCabe made sure that his approval was required for any further investigative steps.

    * The New York Field Office was called on behalf of FBI Director Comey and informed to “cease and desist” from the Clinton Foundation investigation.

    * The FBI and DOJ restricted both of those Clinton investigations, making sure that “essentially no investigative activities occurred for months leading up to the election.” In comparison, the FBI opened a full investigation into the Trump Campaign based on unvetted “intelligence”.

    * The CIA had direct knowledge of the Clinton plan (“Clinton Plan”) to vilify Trump by linking him to Putin and Russia. On August 3, 2016, CIA Director John Brennon met with President Obama, VP Biden, and other senior Administration officials, including but not limited to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey. At that meeting, Brennan informed them of the Clinton Plan:

    * In September 2016, the CIA sent the FBI this information on the Clinton Plan to link Trump and Russia:

    * Somehow, the FBI did nothing to vet or investigate the Clinton Plan - even though they were using parts of the Clinton Plan (the Steele Reports) - to investigate the Trump Campaign. Durham writes: “No FBI personnel who were interviewed by the Office recalled Crossfire Hurricane personnel taking any action to vet the Clinton Plan intelligence.”

    * In fact, it was as if the CIA’s Clinton Plan memo was somehow buried within the FBI. Most members of Crossfire Hurricane “had never seen the intelligence before”. And, as we have previously discussed, it was never disclosed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in contravention to that court’s local rules.

    * FBI Director James Comey was deeply interested in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation and micromanaged it, demanding the Carter Page FISA warrant, telling Assistant Director Andrew McCabe: “Where is the FISA, where is the FISA?”

    * The FBI knew, relatively early, that its Carter Page FISA warrants were dubious. That FBI knowledge only intensified by 2018, as FBI analysts discussed how “Steele’s subsources could have been compromised by the Russians.” They were going to prepare their findings in a memorandum. FBI Deputy Assistant Director for Counterintelligence, Dina Corsi, met with the review team and directed them not to document any recommendations, context, or analysis in the memorandum they were preparing.” An FBI attorney was at that meeting. “He confirmed that the team was told not to write any more memoranda or analytical pieces and to provide their findings orally.” Corsi’s demands, according to one FBI Attorney, were “the most inappropriate operational or professional statement he had ever heard at the FBI.”

    * Igor Danchenko, the Steele primary subsource charged with (and acquitted of) lying to the FBI, was paid $220K by the FBI as a confidential human source. This was paid after the FBI knew Danchenko lied to them. As the Durham Investigation proceeded, Durham learned “the FBI proposed making continued future payments to Danchenko, totalling more than $300,000, while [Durham] was actively investigating this matter.” The FBI, in effect, was seeking to influence a key witness who would later face criminal charges.

    * The FBI’s reasons for paying Danchenko were certainly curious. Interviews with Durham’s office revealed: “the FBI's Executive Assistant Director for National Security, made clear that they were not even able to accurately describe the value or contributions of Danchenko that would justify keeping him open, much less making hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments to him.”

    We’ll follow this up with a much deeper analysis hopefully by tomorrow. Part of that story is the problem with the Durham investigation: the fact that its scope didn’t include the attribution of the DNC hack.



  12. #8962
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The Durham Report

    A quick analysis


    15 MAY 2023

    Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation – an inquiry into government corruption, lies to secret courts, the weaponization of the US intelligence apparatus, the FBI’s attempt to take down a sitting president – has concluded.

    The Durham Report has been released.

    Here are some of the main findings:

    * “The FBI discounted or wilfully ignored material information that did not support the narrative of a collusive relationship between Trump and Russia.”

    * Crossfire Hurricane “was opened as a full investigation without [the FBI] ever having spoken to the persons who provided that information.” Days after it was opened, Peter Strzok was telling a London FBI employee that “there’s nothing to this.”

    * Internal FBI communications discussing the Crossfire Hurricane during its early stages: it’s “thin” and “it sucks”.

    * British Intelligence pushed back on Mueller requests for assistance: “[a British Intelligence person] basically said there was no [expletive] way in hell they were going to do it.”

    * Durham documents TWO investigations into Hillary Clinton - one involving the Clinton Foundation and one involving illegal foreign contributions to Clinton’s Campaign.

    * In one Clinton Campaign investigation, an FBI confidential human source (CHS) had offered an illegal foreign contribution to the campaign through an intermediary. The Clinton Campaign was “okay with it” and “were fully aware”. The CHS offered the FBI a copy of the credit card charge; the FBI never got receipts. In fact, the FBI handling agent told the CHS “to stay away from all events relating to Clinton’s campaign.”

    * In February 2016, FBI Assistant Director Andrew McCabe directed the Clinton Foundation investigation to be shut down. He walked that back after receiving push-back, but McCabe made sure that his approval was required for any further investigative steps.

    * The New York Field Office was called on behalf of FBI Director Comey and informed to “cease and desist” from the Clinton Foundation investigation.

    * The FBI and DOJ restricted both of those Clinton investigations, making sure that “essentially no investigative activities occurred for months leading up to the election.” In comparison, the FBI opened a full investigation into the Trump Campaign based on unvetted “intelligence”.

    * The CIA had direct knowledge of the Clinton plan (“Clinton Plan”) to vilify Trump by linking him to Putin and Russia. On August 3, 2016, CIA Director John Brennon met with President Obama, VP Biden, and other senior Administration officials, including but not limited to Attorney General Loretta Lynch and FBI Director James Comey. At that meeting, Brennan informed them of the Clinton Plan:

    * In September 2016, the CIA sent the FBI this information on the Clinton Plan to link Trump and Russia:

    * Somehow, the FBI did nothing to vet or investigate the Clinton Plan - even though they were using parts of the Clinton Plan (the Steele Reports) - to investigate the Trump Campaign. Durham writes: “No FBI personnel who were interviewed by the Office recalled Crossfire Hurricane personnel taking any action to vet the Clinton Plan intelligence.”

    * In fact, it was as if the CIA’s Clinton Plan memo was somehow buried within the FBI. Most members of Crossfire Hurricane “had never seen the intelligence before”. And, as we have previously discussed, it was never disclosed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in contravention to that court’s local rules.

    * FBI Director James Comey was deeply interested in the Crossfire Hurricane investigation and micromanaged it, demanding the Carter Page FISA warrant, telling Assistant Director Andrew McCabe: “Where is the FISA, where is the FISA?”

    * The FBI knew, relatively early, that its Carter Page FISA warrants were dubious. That FBI knowledge only intensified by 2018, as FBI analysts discussed how “Steele’s subsources could have been compromised by the Russians.” They were going to prepare their findings in a memorandum. FBI Deputy Assistant Director for Counterintelligence, Dina Corsi, met with the review team and directed them not to document any recommendations, context, or analysis in the memorandum they were preparing.” An FBI attorney was at that meeting. “He confirmed that the team was told not to write any more memoranda or analytical pieces and to provide their findings orally.” Corsi’s demands, according to one FBI Attorney, were “the most inappropriate operational or professional statement he had ever heard at the FBI.”

    * Igor Danchenko, the Steele primary subsource charged with (and acquitted of) lying to the FBI, was paid $220K by the FBI as a confidential human source. This was paid after the FBI knew Danchenko lied to them. As the Durham Investigation proceeded, Durham learned “the FBI proposed making continued future payments to Danchenko, totalling more than $300,000, while [Durham] was actively investigating this matter.” The FBI, in effect, was seeking to influence a key witness who would later face criminal charges.

    * The FBI’s reasons for paying Danchenko were certainly curious. Interviews with Durham’s office revealed: “the FBI's Executive Assistant Director for National Security, made clear that they were not even able to accurately describe the value or contributions of Danchenko that would justify keeping him open, much less making hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments to him.”

    We’ll follow this up with a much deeper analysis hopefully by tomorrow. Part of that story is the problem with the Durham investigation: the fact that its scope didn’t include the attribution of the DNC hack.


    Cilla says different 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Just waiting back up from his jack booted partner in Fake nuuuuuz 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  13. #8963

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Heathblue View Post
    Cilla says different ����������
    Just waiting back up from his jack booted partner in Fake nuuuuuz ����������
    Lardy & Cyril vs The Four Musketeers should be entertaining

  14. #8964

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The Durham Report

    Part of that story is the problem with the Durham investigation: the fact that its scope didn’t include the attribution of the DNC hack.


    Ah the, if only the investigators knew that if you removed a certain book from the the library it opened a passage. In there was all the secret stuff that would have proved that this was all a deep state plot to remove the President and enough evidence to send all the plotters to Gitmo.

    Only they didn't. All they concluded was that a pissed up Trumpster shouting their mouth off to an Aussie Diplomat was legitimate cause to start an investigation but they should have been a bit more circumspect about its nature but the investigation gave legitimate cause for the Mueller investigation that followed. The one that jailed several members of the Trump club and indicted a host of Russians!

    So, no plot, no-one gets to dress in orange, just Durham Conclusion delusion........damn I said I wouldn't do that!

  15. #8965

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Ah the, if only the investigators knew that if you removed a certain book from the the library it opened a passage. In there was all the secret stuff that would have proved that this was all a deep state plot to remove the President and enough evidence to send all the plotters to Gitmo.

    Only they didn't. All they concluded was that a pissed up Trumpster shouting their mouth off to an Aussie Diplomat was legitimate cause to start an investigation but they should have been a bit more circumspect about its nature but the investigation gave legitimate cause for the Mueller investigation that followed. The one that jailed several members of the Trump club and indicted a host of Russians!

    So, no plot, no-one gets to dress in orange, just Durham Conclusion delusion........damn I said I wouldn't do that!
    You seem to be asking the wrong questions, either by accident or design.

  16. #8966

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You seem to be asking the wrong questions, either by accident or design.
    Aw shucks. I seem to have been making a series of statements though rather than asking questions which if lacking facts please highlight. In the unlikely chance you could do that what are the right questions? And more pertinently, what are the right answers?

  17. #8967

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Aw shucks. I seem to have been making a series of statements though rather than asking questions which if lacking facts please highlight. In the unlikely chance you could do that what are the right questions? And more pertinently, what are the right answers?
    Ignoratio elenchi.

  18. #8968

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Ignoratio elenchi.
    I guess that is one of the pitfalls of you being the Forum's ultracrepidarian as Feedback insightfully pointed out.

  19. #8969

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    I guess that is one of the pitfalls of you being the Forum's ultracrepidarian as Feedback insightfully pointed out.
    On the contrary dear boy, I stay within the bounds of the latest thoughts and ideas, while you are stuck inside a perpetual time warp!

  20. #8970
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    I guess that is one of the pitfalls of you being the Forum's ultracrepidarian as Feedback insightfully pointed out.
    And coming from Feedback.... that must really hurt!

  21. #8971

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Who would have thought that it was a normal shower rather than a golden one that got Trump indicted?

  22. #8972

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Trump takes loads of top secret documents and Kushner gets $2billion from the Saudis.

    I just wonder what the connection could be!

  23. #8973

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Trump takes loads of top secret documents and Kushner gets $2billion from the Saudis.

    I just wonder what the connection could be!
    Great news, it opens the door for RFK Jr to expose all the corruption on both sides

  24. #8974

    Re: The Donald Trump thread


    One of Gluey's go-to guys reckons Donny could die in the pen after the 37 charges under the Espionage Act and criminal obstruction. Still some vague whatabout shit!

  25. #8975

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

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