Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
Ah the, if only the investigators knew that if you removed a certain book from the the library it opened a passage. In there was all the secret stuff that would have proved that this was all a deep state plot to remove the President and enough evidence to send all the plotters to Gitmo.

Only they didn't. All they concluded was that a pissed up Trumpster shouting their mouth off to an Aussie Diplomat was legitimate cause to start an investigation but they should have been a bit more circumspect about its nature but the investigation gave legitimate cause for the Mueller investigation that followed. The one that jailed several members of the Trump club and indicted a host of Russians!

So, no plot, no-one gets to dress in orange, just Durham Conclusion delusion........damn I said I wouldn't do that!
You seem to be asking the wrong questions, either by accident or design.