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Thread: Vaping

  1. #1


    is it time to bring in more restrictions on this?

    Australia have banned all vapes other than via prescription.

    some of these vapes release huge amounts of tiny metallic particles into the body, which we have no idea what the long term effects are going to be (I'm sure it's not good though)

    back when I was in school, only a small proportion of kids smoked, maybe 0-5% from the end of primary school rising to 25-30% by the end of secondary school .

    according to my kids, and a load of teachers I know, vaping is absolutely rife in schools now. like 50% of year 7s regularly vaping - far far higher than the equivalent cigarette usage before they brought in vapes.

  2. #2

    Re: Vaping

    Bizarre isn't it.

    Someone I know started smoking only after he got into vaping

  3. #3

    Re: Vaping

    I pick my daughter up from school twice a week, the amount who walk up the road Vaping, they must be addicted to it

    one girl vapes while she waits for her mum to pick her up ( and then vapes as she gets in the car ) , she is Yr7 , she must do a blend though, I can smell Apple Pie with a twist of cinnamon and a after smell of candy floss

  4. #4

    Re: Vaping

    Quote Originally Posted by Trigger View Post
    Bizarre isn't it.

    Someone I know started smoking only after he got into vaping
    So weird, a friend of mine started Vaping even though he had never smoked, I asked him why and he said so he doesn’t start smoking. Odd.

  5. #5

    Re: Vaping

    It had a peak about 6 years ago...literally nobody is vaping in Sweden. Fad over imo

  6. #6

    Re: Vaping

    some of the packaging / flavours are clearly marketed at kids - I think we shot follow suit and ban it like the Aussies have

  7. #7

    Re: Vaping

    Quote Originally Posted by ToTaL ITK View Post
    It had a peak about 6 years ago...literally nobody is vaping in Sweden. Fad over imo
    everyone in Sweden is addicted to nicotine patches instead though

  8. #8

    Re: Vaping

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    is it time to bring in more restrictions on this?

    Australia have banned all vapes other than via prescription.

    some of these vapes release huge amounts of tiny metallic particles into the body, which we have no idea what the long term effects are going to be (I'm sure it's not good though)

    back when I was in school, only a small proportion of kids smoked, maybe 0-5% from the end of primary school rising to 25-30% by the end of secondary school .

    according to my kids, and a load of teachers I know, vaping is absolutely rife in schools now. like 50% of year 7s regularly vaping - far far higher than the equivalent cigarette usage before they brought in vapes.
    Should never have been allowed in the first place.

  9. #9

    Re: Vaping

    The way people go around clutching them - likes its life support or something. Especially the big fat chunky ones.

  10. #10

    Re: Vaping

    A young lady I know, who never bothered with anything like smoking, decided to start vaping when she was 26, around the same time her and her partner started trying for a baby. Now she's up the duff and has had to give them up, she's finding it a bit tough

  11. #11

    Re: Vaping

    Quote Originally Posted by 19bluebirds27 View Post
    The way people go around clutching them - likes its life support or something. Especially the big fat chunky ones.

    The vapes or the users?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: Vaping

    It's for the same reason it always was, they think it's cool and are usually a bit thick.

    People moving down from smoking was a good idea, in theory to help give up, but most stay addicted to them so a waste of time really.

    You see knobheads in cars blowing out two tonnes of the stuff out of the window it looks ridiculous, but they must think they look sooooo cool.

  13. #13

    Re: Vaping

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    It's for the same reason it always was, they think it's cool and are usually a bit thick.

    People moving down from smoking was a good idea, in theory to help give up, but most stay addicted to them so a waste of time really.

    You see knobheads in cars blowing out two tonnes of the stuff out of the window it looks ridiculous, but they must think they look sooooo cool.
    Most of the Vapists I know have no intention to give up at all, they vape so they can have a nicotine hit in places you wouldn't be allowed to smoke

  14. #14

    Re: Vaping

    Quote Originally Posted by 2b2bdoo View Post
    So weird, a friend of mine started Vaping even though he had never smoked, I asked him why and he said so he doesn’t start smoking. Odd.
    Maybe he fancied started smoking and thought that was the lesser of the 2

  15. #15
    First Team
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    Re: Vaping

    It is like walking behind Ivor the engine whilst being assaulted by cheap perfume.
    Quite how they managed to persuade people to think it is a good look is beyond me.
    Genius marketing move though.

  16. #16

    Re: Vaping

    Quote Originally Posted by WJ99mobile View Post
    Maybe he fancied started smoking and thought that was the lesser of the 2
    Tbh I think he thought it was cool, he’s all about what other people think.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: Vaping

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    Most of the Vapists I know have no intention to give up at all, they vape so they can have a nicotine hit in places you wouldn't be allowed to smoke
    Yes, that's true loads flout the rules and do them on the sly in pubs and indoor venues.

  18. #18

    Re: Vaping

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    Yes, that's true loads flout the rules and do them on the sly in pubs and indoor venues.
    Annoying when they do it down the city as well,
    Horrible crap to breath in.

  19. #19

    Re: Vaping

    Quote Originally Posted by 2b2bdoo View Post
    Annoying when they do it down the city as well,
    Horrible crap to breath in.
    and possibly full of tiny metallic particles, that have been shown to cause early onset dementia in mice

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