Weeks, months, who knows with this mob. It’s gone beyond a shit show and the clubs hierarchy is embarrassing. No direction, no plan, as we’ve said many times before, these guys at the helm are literally making it up as they go.
All this talk about uncle Vinnie bailing us out of “his own pocket” over the years to keep us trading, well that’s great but has he not been the chairman and owner for 13 years so surely he’s the one who’s got us into this mess? Why should we hail him dipping into his wealth when he’s just made bad appointment and decisions one after another?
So no I’m not anticipating a new manager any time soon whilst the three amigos faff about so It’ll probably be Bamba mid July and Unfortunately we’ll just be stuck with it.
Frustrating. But hey there’s worse things going on in the world and at least the suns out. For the time being.
Rant over. Going to have a beer.