Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
It would seem that Billy Smart has allowed a couple of his acts free reign on here during my Anatolian trek.

That said I do agree with you that things were predictable.

It was predictable that Durham confirmed the investigation into Trump when one of his convicted minions shouted his mouth off to an Australian Diplomat rather than any "dodgy dossier";

It was predictable that it seemed to slip Durham's mind the contacts between another of Trump's convicted team with a Russian intelligence operative, his other convicted NSA lying about meetings with the Russian ambassador and his son's meeting with Russians offering dirt on Clinton;

It was predictable that the Trump sycophants on the committee spent most of the time bemoaning the fact that in 4 years Durham found the square root of diddly squat, obviously in conspiracy-land because he wasn't trying hard enough rather than there was very little to find;

It was predictable that after those 4 years Durham more or less regurgitated the Auditor General's report that he himself rubbished at the start, screwed up two prosecutions and his only success was a "sweetheart deal" on some misdemeanour and most of all

It was predictable that your gifted and talented crew, who spent years bombarding this board with predictions of the forthcoming Storm, that the house of cards was going fall, that there were spies in the Trump camp, that a conspiracy group from Obama, Clinton, heads of intelligence agencies and various FBI officials were all going to Gitmo in orange suits look absolutely idiotic at the end of it.

I am sure it won't stop you boys feeling smug and superior even though a few hundred pages of this thread and copious others tells a completely different tale though.
Man, you come right out of a comic book.