Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
Christ I remember that , wernt you told it was a tumour initially ?
Yes, I was given 3 scenarios with a Tumour as the most likely, how it was diagnosed and incorrectly diagnosed prompted an article which made it into the British Medical Journal in around September last year, I don't subscribe to the BMJ but the doctor who did the piece, did send me the article which includes the scans of the brain which looks pretty horrific which it was at the time, I was scanned regularly after the event and could see the clot reducing in size on the screen at the local GP, it came to the point at which having more scans was becoming more of a threat than the clot itself due to the radiation exposure, so the scans were stopped, I've had two more scans recently as i was suffering similar symptoms, the most recent being in November last year, the image confirmed the clot still present but not at the size of the original, I have a good excuse for talking shite most of the time and i no longer have my axe playing skills, it's weird knowing where to put your fingers to play the notes but just not being able to do it, i can manage a few chords with slow changes but that's about it.

Obviously back then it wasn't nice for me, but i do have a little chuckle to myself, as i had booked a seat on TLG's bus to Millwall and was trying to work out how i could sneak out of the hossi for the day, My Doris having none of it