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Thread: VAR - Still favouring the Big Clubs?

  1. #1

    VAR - Still favouring the Big Clubs?

    Just seen the Man U keeper incident v Wolves.

    If that isnt given as a penalty after a ref and the VAR team seeing it then what is?

    Theres even a choice of Wolves players he fouled.

    Makes the whole system a bigger joke than it already is.

  2. #2

    Re: VAR - Still favouring the Big Clubs?

    Big clubs have always been favoured in the big decisions, and always will - VAR or no VAR

  3. #3

    Re: VAR - Still favouring the Big Clubs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Just seen the Man U keeper incident v Wolves.

    If that isnt given as a penalty after a ref and the VAR team seeing it then what is?

    Theres even a choice of Wolves players he fouled.

    Makes the whole system a bigger joke than it already is.
    The ref and the video ref were stood down from their allotted weekend games - Wolves issued a statement thanking the Premier League for acting so promptly and asking if they can they have the point they are owed as well.

  4. #4

    Re: VAR - Still favouring the Big Clubs?

    I never wanted VAR, I was told how can I not want a fairer game. I said at the time it will just swap one set of problems for another and slow down the game.
    To be fair it hasn’t slowed the game down as much as I expected but the initial point remains.

  5. #5

    Re: VAR - Still favouring the Big Clubs?

    There will always be unconscious bias in human decisions.

    I'm not the biggest fan of var, at least how it is currently used but with greater scrutiny and more time to make decisions it surely does help balance out the bias somewhat.

  6. #6

    Re: VAR - Still favouring the Big Clubs?

    Quote Originally Posted by 2b2bdoo View Post
    I never wanted VAR, I was told how can I not want a fairer game. I said at the time it will just swap one set of problems for another and slow down the game.
    To be fair it hasn’t slowed the game down as much as I expected but the initial point remains.
    Same. I was happy with goal line technology but never wanted VAR and offsides to the armpit.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
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    Re: VAR - Still favouring the Big Clubs?

    Quote Originally Posted by bobh View Post
    Big clubs have always been favoured in the big decisions, and always will - VAR or no VAR
    VAR should have stopped that definitely, but it hasn't it stinks.

    Agreed it has helped a bit though, it's harder to show bias when the decision is slowed and viewed from every angle, although they dod still manage it.

  8. #8

    Re: VAR - Still favouring the Big Clubs?

    Why isn't the var a ref and an ex player?

    I get the impression there's a match of the day effect where they change views based on weekly criticism from that show

  9. #9

    Re: VAR - Still favouring the Big Clubs?

    Thing is, plenty of fans got what they wanted with Var. Constant grizzling about offsides, alleged cheating etc. Radio phone in's and the Internet were rife with fans crying like babies, and not just over the 'Big' decisions, but every tiny detail that obviously contributed towards their shit football team losing a game, but said **** all when decisions went their way.

    They got what they wished for when football should have been left alone, referees should have had more respect and allowed to make the odd mistake, so what, that's what football should be about, the drama, the ecstasy and the injustice.

  10. #10

    Re: VAR - Still favouring the Big Clubs?

    The thing is, it's NOT V.A.R. It's another linesman and referee judging the same incident that the on-pitch referee saw in real time. Goal line technology, offsides, that's V.A.R. and V.A.R. in it's intended sense could not be biased.

  11. #11

    Re: VAR - Still favouring the Big Clubs?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Thing is, plenty of fans got what they wanted with Var. Constant grizzling about offsides, alleged cheating etc. Radio phone in's and the Internet were rife with fans crying like babies, and not just over the 'Big' decisions, but every tiny detail that obviously contributed towards their shit football team losing a game, but said **** all when decisions went their way.

    They got what they wished for when football should have been left alone, referees should have had more respect and allowed to make the odd mistake, so what, that's what football should be about, the drama, the ecstasy and the injustice.

    VAR came in because pundits were lazy, and instead of analysing a game went straight to the referee decisions every time.

    "Alan, let's clear up the red card/penalty/offside first. Did the ref get it right?"

    We all wanted consistency, apparently. But now we want common sense, apparently.

    The thing that needed to change most, but never did, is that pundits are still lazy. They go straight for the easy target.

    Games aren't won or lost on a single ref decision. Football isn't that finely balanced. Player mistakes (defensive or attacking) are still the biggest cause of goals going in or not, not whether the ref spotted or missed a single handball.

  12. #12

    Re: VAR - Still favouring the Big Clubs?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post

    VAR came in because pundits were lazy, and instead of analysing a game went straight to the referee decisions every time.

    "Alan, let's clear up the red card/penalty/offside first. Did the ref get it right?"

    We all wanted consistency, apparently. But now we want common sense, apparently.

    The thing that needed to change most, but never did, is that pundits are still lazy. They go straight for the easy target.

    Games aren't won or lost on a single ref decision. Football isn't that finely balanced. Player mistakes (defensive or attacking) are still the biggest cause of goals going in or not, not whether the ref spotted or missed a single handball.
    Well said. Where did it all go wrong.... I understand that Football is now big business, loads more exposure and all that. corrupt murderous regimes pumping their cash in etc. But for us, it's about entertainment, it's about the emotions and all that stuff, the talk in the pub or the car on the way home. When did it get so bloody serious (for fans) We've got Gary Neville participating in heated debate with some of the most clueless reactionary football supporters i've ever witnessed, people on the net and radio phone ins talking about a loss in the same way they'd portray the family puppy getting flattened by a rogue steam roller. These idiots are given way to much air time, and like you say, the pundits fuel it, they push buttons and get fans all irate etc. I wish Simon jordan would just piss off!

    I don't blame the authorities for bringing in Var, the amount of shit referees were getting (and still are) it never used to be like this. Football fans seem to be so much more entitled these days.

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