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Thread: "From the river to the sea" chant

  1. #76

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I think the issue Jordi is that there has been a massive rise in antisemitism, little Jewish kids schools in London daubed in blood, some windows snashed, arrests for racism and mass chanting on the streets calling for something that many call racist.

    I've never ever defended what Israel do. It's not me defending that, and there is another thread on that

    The war itself is of course more abhorrent. But this kind of rhetoric as well as bringing racial discord to the UK and making some fear walking the streets is only likely to prolong that. It doesn't promote nor make the two state solution any easier.

    I think this is about some pretty disturbing events and opinions latching onto a legitimate peace movement that helps absolutely no one and I think it should be called out for what it is, without turning a blind eye.

    You were more angry about the Rubiales kiss than people chanting racist slogans on the street. Fancy that.
    Wowser! *laughing*

    That's going off at a tangent buddy.

    I can see what you're getting at though as you're floundering in this discussion as you were in that one due to induced myopia caused by having your head stuck up your own arse and being unable to see other people's perspectives or indeed feelings.

    Back to today's discussion though, Pro Palestinian supporters in London, England are more of an obstacle to peace in Gaza than the Israeli state/ Likud Party who are currently bombing it to absolute bits and it's the Pro Palestinian supporters shouting slogans that are disturbing your ever so genteel sensibilities the most?

    You're correct that anti semitic incidents reported have gone up, you should point out so have reports of islamophobia. Interestingly, islamophobic reports were higher than anti semitic crimes reported prior to Hamas attacks in Israel.

    You know that though.

    Have I missed anything?

  2. #77
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    No comment on the chant I had no idea what it is/meant until reading this Fred, the biggest disappointment for me is the almost total lack of interest in looking for a peaceful solution, from any of the main players, yes it's been going on since day dot but if your not talking, peace is impossible, my 1st memory of this conflict I think is the Munich Olympics and without googling I'm reasonably sure it's related?. Whilst knowing about the 6 day war I cannot remember it on TV.

  3. #78

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Of course I read it. Did you think it was written by AI?

    I dispute your description of racism. You don't get to be Judge, Jury and Executioner you know.
    But I've provided links to various organisations that DO consider it racist and it is they who matter here. Its not really for you to tell someone it isn't racist if they are saying it is, and the wording, whilst as ever is a grey area is pretty dodgy.

    There are ways to call for peace or support Palestine without using slogans and chants that many consider racist so when that doesn't happen, I think it should be called out. Aside from anything it doesn't calm the situation or make peace anymore likely, as I've said, if anything its the exact opposite.

    So probably racist, probably xenophobic, definitely unpleasant, likely to make people fearful, and highly unlikely to help the cause of peace.
    So why support it?!

  4. #79

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post
    Wowser! *laughing*

    That's going off at a tangent buddy.

    I can see what you're getting at though as you're floundering in this discussion as you were in that one due to induced myopia caused by having your head stuck up your own arse and being unable to see other people's perspectives or indeed feelings.

    Back to today's discussion though, Pro Palestinian supporters in London, England are more of an obstacle to peace in Gaza than the Israeli state/ Likud Party who are currently bombing it to absolute bits and it's the Pro Palestinian supporters shouting slogans that are disturbing your ever so genteel sensibilities the most?

    You're correct that anti semitic incidents reported have gone up, you should point out so have reports of islamophobia. Interestingly, islamophobic reports were higher than anti semitic crimes reported prior to Hamas attacks in Israel.

    You know that though.

    Have I missed anything?
    I did point that out
    I have said I don't support what Israel is doing
    You can't really accuse others of tangents when you take a criticism of racist chanting and use it to mean I support Zionism. If I object to someone being called a 'p***' that doesn't mean I support the Pakistani govt either..get it?!

    I just don't see why you don't call it out. Many Jewish people are telling you it's racist but you are like...nah it's okay..what do they know?

    And again, aside from anything it's souring what is of course a very legitimate set of protests for peace

  5. #80

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    But I've provided links to various organisations that DO consider it racist and it is they who matter here. Its not really for you to tell someone it isn't racist if they are saying it is, and the wording, whilst as ever is a grey area is pretty dodgy.

    There are ways to call for peace or support Palestine without using slogans and chants that many consider racist so when that doesn't happen, I think it should be called out. Aside from anything it doesn't calm the situation or make peace anymore likely, as I've said, if anything its the exact opposite.

    So probably racist, probably xenophobic, definitely unpleasant, likely to make people fearful, and highly unlikely to help the cause of peace.
    So why support it?!
    All on your opinion, not mine and whatever other groups think about it is of no concern to me. I will make my own mind up thank you.

    Your continual deflecting only serves to confirm your greater concern for chants of freedom rather than outright slaughter of children and babies. It really doesn't show you up in a good light.

    In any case I started another thread questioning the ethics of world governments not demanding a ceasefire. I note you haven't responded to that which leads me to assume that slaughter and genocide is not your main concern but rather the sensibilities of a few people put out by a chant for freedom.

  6. #81

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I think it's racist as it is interpreted by many Jews as wishing to see the end of the only Jewish state. And under hate crime legislation it is the victim who determines this.

    I also think it's a deeply unhelpful chant, that aggravates the situation, takes peace further away and shows that for a minority of people, this isn't about peace or Palestine at all.

    It doesn't really surprise me that the usual suspects are okay with it - the same people who seemed to support a certain ex party leader, surprise surprise!

    The anti defamation league state here they consider it antisemitic


    The American Jewish committee do too


    Austria even banned a march based on it


    Hate crimes rising enormously in the last week.


    How hard is it to march for peace without chanting a chant that many consider racist? Not that hard, is it?
    My view is that when it comes to language, intent should be the deciding factor.

    I also think the 'race card' (for want of a better term) should be used sparingly if it is to be an effective way to call racists out.

    Once we go down the path of 'my group doesn't like you saying this so I will call you racist', it's never going to end well. I think if we were talking about different groups here, you might be making a case from the other direction i.e. free speech.

  7. #82

  8. #83
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    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I think it's racist as it is interpreted by many Jews as wishing to see the end of the only Jewish state. And under hate crime legislation it is the victim who determines this.

    I also think it's a deeply unhelpful chant, that aggravates the situation, takes peace further away and shows that for a minority of people, this isn't about peace or Palestine at all.

    It doesn't really surprise me that the usual suspects are okay with it - the same people who seemed to support a certain ex party leader, surprise surprise!

    The anti defamation league state here they consider it antisemitic


    The American Jewish committee do too


    Austria even banned a march based on it


    Hate crimes rising enormously in the last week.


    How hard is it to march for peace without chanting a chant that many consider racist? Not that hard, is it?
    Easy just chant peace please two states please , nah lets chant hate , genocide views they should be arrested , they won't , it will be the poor drunk fecks reponding with the v's .

    Concerning suicidal terrorism, said: “A suicide bombing is the highest level of jihad, and highlights the depth of our faith. The bombers are holy fighters ...

    Jihad is shouted at all these events including Saturdays fluffy march , so we allow jihad to be used knowing that folk have died in Manchester Area , and 7/7 ,for those very thoughts and acts .

    Just ask your self if a 100 or so of us went to an islamic country and shouted anti muslims chants ,would we be alive today ??

    By the way these very muslim activists and countries have scant regard for gays' christians, women ,educating girls in schools , demonstrations , christian churches ,all those people listed are persecuted by the countries these very demonstrators align themselves too , the left loops are loops , bet though half of them, only want the muslim votes and woudl be appalled how poorly the religion treats ' christians, women , educating young girls , demonstrators , christian churches( mostly burned and butchered now ) oh and no democracies .

    Where is the caring left when it comes to demonstrating against those awful countries and out dated religions.

    We have bent too far to accommodate , in the hope muslim countries could respond the same and provide tolerance of other faiths,beliefs , behaviours and freedom of choice of who or what to be .

    The funniest banner on Saturday was the LGBTQ ones , hypocrisy at its best ........... as Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights in Israel are considered the most developed in the Middle East.

  9. #84

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Easy just chant peace please two states please , nah lets chant hate , genocide views they should be arrested , they won't , it will be the poor drunk fecks reponding with the v's .

    Concerning suicidal terrorism, said: “A suicide bombing is the highest level of jihad, and highlights the depth of our faith. The bombers are holy fighters ...

    Jihad is shouted at all these events including Saturdays fluffy march , so we allow jihad to be used knowing that folk have died in Manchester Area , and 7/7 ,for those very thoughts and acts .

    Just ask your self if a 100 or so of us went to an islamic country and shouted anti muslims chants ,would we be alive today ??

    By the way these very muslim activists and countries have scant regard for gays' christians, women ,educating girls in schools , demonstrations , christian churches ,all those people listed are persecuted by the countries these very demonstrators align themselves too , the left loops are loops , bet though half of them, only want the muslim votes and woudl be appalled how poorly the religion treats ' christians, women , educating young girls , demonstrators , christian churches( mostly burned and butchered now ) oh and no democracies .

    Where is the caring left when it comes to demonstrating against those awful countries and out dated religions.

    We have bent too far to accommodate , in the hope muslim countries could respond the same and provide tolerance of other faiths,beliefs , behaviours and freedom of choice of who or what to be .

    The funniest banner on Saturday was the LGBTQ ones , hypocrisy at its best ........... as Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights in Israel are considered the most developed in the Middle East.
    Jesus Allah.

  10. #85

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Easy just chant peace please two states please , nah lets chant hate , genocide views they should be arrested , they won't , it will be the poor drunk fecks reponding with the v's .

    Concerning suicidal terrorism, said: “A suicide bombing is the highest level of jihad, and highlights the depth of our faith. The bombers are holy fighters ...

    Jihad is shouted at all these events including Saturdays fluffy march , so we allow jihad to be used knowing that folk have died in Manchester Area , and 7/7 ,for those very thoughts and acts .

    Just ask your self if a 100 or so of us went to an islamic country and shouted anti muslims chants ,would we be alive today ??

    By the way these very muslim activists and countries have scant regard for gays' christians, women ,educating girls in schools , demonstrations , christian churches ,all those people listed are persecuted by the countries these very demonstrators align themselves too , the left loops are loops , bet though half of them, only want the muslim votes and woudl be appalled how poorly the religion treats ' christians, women , educating young girls , demonstrators , christian churches( mostly burned and butchered now ) oh and no democracies .

    Where is the caring left when it comes to demonstrating against those awful countries and out dated religions.

    We have bent too far to accommodate , in the hope muslim countries could respond the same and provide tolerance of other faiths,beliefs , behaviours and freedom of choice of who or what to be .

    The funniest banner on Saturday was the LGBTQ ones , hypocrisy at its best ........... as Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights in Israel are considered the most developed in the Middle East.
    You sound more like you want the eradication of all Muslims than a two state solution.

  11. #86
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Netanyahu presenting maps of Israel as one state from the Jordan River to the Sea at the UN in September - obliterating Palestine from the map.


    If you listen carefully you can still hear the Board of Deputies, the Jewish Leadership Council, the Anti Defamation League, the Community Security Trust, Suella Braverman, Life On Mars and JamesWales cheering.

    Ethnic cleansing is so much better than peace and justice!

  12. #87

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    My view is that when it comes to language, intent should be the deciding factor.

    I also think the 'race card' (for want of a better term) should be used sparingly if it is to be an effective way to call racists out.

    Once we go down the path of 'my group doesn't like you saying this so I will call you racist', it's never going to end well. I think if we were talking about different groups here, you might be making a case from the other direction i.e. free speech.
    I agree. Intent and context matters. Without which satire wouldn't exist and it is of course different whether a child carries a sign or a grown adult etc.

    But I don't think we can ignore this on those grounds. We know we have a serious issue with Islamism in the UK. We know there have been arrests (A tiny minority) and videos of people calling for Jihad. We know that antisemitism has soared in the last week and we know that many Jews consider it racist and we know it will not help bring about peace.

    So with that in mind, why do we tolerate it?

    If there was a chant that many but not all Muslims found racist would it be cool for us to go around chanting it on the streets? I'd suggest not.

    Just seen Ben Jamal from Palestine Solidarity Campaign on Channel 4 News being heavily quizzed by Krishnan Guru-Murty. He couldn't confirm Israel's right to exist despite asked several times.

    This chant should get in the bin.

  13. #88

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Netanyahu presenting maps of Israel as one state from the Jordan River to the Sea at the UN in September - obliterating Palestine from the map.


    If you listen carefully you can still hear the Board of Deputies, the Jewish Leadership Council, the Anti Defamation League, the Community Security Trust, Suella Braverman, Life On Mars and JamesWales cheering.

    Ethnic cleansing is so much better than peace and justice!
    I think you are confused Jon. I am the one objecting to the chant. I'm saying it's not okay, irrespective of who says it.

    It's you that seems to think it's okay.

  14. #89

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I agree. Intent and context matters. Without which satire wouldn't exist and it is of course different whether a child carries a sign or a grown adult etc.

    But I don't think we can ignore this on those grounds. We know we have a serious issue with Islamism in the UK. We know there have been arrests (A tiny minority) and videos of people calling for Jihad. We know that antisemitism has soared in the last week and we know that many Jews consider it racist and we know it will not help bring about peace.

    So with that in mind, why do we tolerate it?

    If there was a chant that many but not all Muslims found racist would it be cool for us to go around chanting it on the streets? I'd suggest not.

    Just seen Ben Jamal from Palestine Solidarity Campaign on Channel 4 News being heavily quizzed by Krishnan Guru-Murty. He couldn't confirm Israel's right to exist despite asked several times.

    This chant should get in the bin.
    It isn't about ignoring it, it is about not wanting to set a precedent that you later regret. It is about valuing one person's right to say something over the other person's right to be offended/upset.

    There is a line somewhere of course but you do appear to be drawing it very close to one end of the spectrum, evidenced by the fact that you don't seem to be able to explain why you think the words are racist or racially motivated.

    There is also an argument that censoring/suppressing something that you think develops into or is linked to dangerous extremism probably won't achieve what you intend it to for a few reasons. 1) extremist views go underground but also 2) the moderates feel unjustly persecuted and move further towards entrenched ideological positions and further away from pushing for a logical solution which stops innocent people dying.

  15. #90
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    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Let's be honest quite a number of folk within these Pro Palestinian marches are a handy cover for Antisemitism hatred.

    See Labour starting to show its colours as Andy Mcdonald is suspended for uttering this dreadful genocide phrase .

    What happens with his actual Muslim MP's surely they resigned on principle.

    Everyones fool Corbyn may have to step up and save the party or form a new one with his radicals .

  16. #91

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    It isn't about ignoring it, it is about not wanting to set a precedent that you later regret. It is about valuing one person's right to say something over the other person's right to be offended/upset.

    There is a line somewhere of course but you do appear to be drawing it very close to one end of the spectrum, evidenced by the fact that you don't seem to be able to explain why you think the words are racist or racially motivated.

    There is also an argument that censoring/suppressing something that you think develops into or is linked to dangerous extremism probably won't achieve what you intend it to for a few reasons. 1) extremist views go underground but also 2) the moderates feel unjustly persecuted and move further towards entrenched ideological positions and further away from pushing for a logical solution which stops innocent people dying.
    Yeah I get that, there is a balance to be found and you certainly can't be banning things merely for being unpleasant or offensive. And I don't doubt there is different interpretations of this song (the wording Andy McDonald has been suspended for actually seems harsh)..

    But..I think when you have a lot of people living in genuine fear in this country, I really don't think the song is tolerable yet it seems to be in a way we wouldn't tolerate other songs deemed as racist by many on the receiving end.

    Personally I view it more as xenophobic and about seeking to deny Israel its existence. People would dispute this of course, and others still would say this is the meaning and because of Israel's history as the only Jewish state, they could also in turn consider it racist.

    I think it's grim and I find it pretty uncomfortable seeing people chant it and I don't think they should get a free pass to do it.

    Again, aside from anything else it highlights that there may be a pretty unpleasant minority attaching themselves to peace marches.

  17. #92

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Funnily enough BBC talking about these very issues now on the 10 O clock news.

  18. #93
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    What Andy McDonald said at the demonstration on Saturday:

    "We will not rest until we have justice. Until all people, Israelis and Palestinians, between the river and the sea, can live in peaceful liberty."

    This is deeply offensive to Labour, to the Mail, to the Israeli spin machine and to Life on Mars (who calls it genocidal - whilst the death tolls climbs in Gaza!). Of course it is. We need more lectures on morality from the board's top misogynist and Islamophobe!

    We are in the middle of a cynical, bullshit, hypocritical propaganda war whilst hundreds of babies are burnt and dismembered by bombs every night. It's sick.

  19. #94

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    What Andy McDonald said at the demonstration on Saturday:

    "We will not rest until we have justice. Until all people, Israelis and Palestinians, between the river and the sea, can live in peaceful liberty."

    This is deeply offensive to Labour, to the Mail, to the Israeli spin machine and to Life on Mars (who calls it genocidal - whilst the death tolls climbs in Gaza!). Of course it is. We need more lectures on morality from the board's top misogynist and Islamophobe!

    We are in the middle of a cynical, bullshit, hypocritical propaganda war whilst hundreds of babies are burnt and dismembered by bombs every night. It's sick.

    Meanwhile, the Israeli PM is saying this is the time for war.

  20. #95

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post

    Meanwhile, the Israeli PM is saying this is the time for war.
    Absolute clown

    Far more dangerous to Jewish people in the UK than the rivers to the sea chants

    Complete nutter , would peace being determined by a 2000 year old book full of fairy stories

  21. #96

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Absolute clown

    Far more dangerous to Jewish people in the UK than the rivers to the sea chants

    Complete nutter , would peace being determined by a 2000 year old book full of fairy stories
    He's not a clown, he's a genocidal maniac.

  22. #97

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I did point that out
    I have said I don't support what Israel is doing
    You can't really accuse others of tangents when you take a criticism of racist chanting and use it to mean I support Zionism. If I object to someone being called a 'p***' that doesn't mean I support the Pakistani govt either..get it?!

    I just don't see why you don't call it out. Many Jewish people are telling you it's racist but you are like...nah it's okay..what do they know?

    And again, aside from anything it's souring what is of course a very legitimate set of protests for peace
    I haven't called out the slogan as I don't see it as being anti semitic. Not in the case of the majority of Pro Palestinisn supporters marching in London.

    If used by a Hamas member, I'd have probably a different interpretation.

    What I see is the term/slogan being weaponised by both sides to interpret meaning which suits their opinions or politics.

    It was used in the 60s before Hamas corrupted it.

  23. #98

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordi Culé View Post
    I haven't called out the slogan as I don't see it as being anti semitic. Not in the case of the majority of Pro Palestinisn supporters marching in London.

    If used by a Hamas member, I'd have probably a different interpretation.

    What I see is the term/slogan being weaponised by both sides to interpret meaning which suits their opinions or politics.

    It was used in the 60s before Hamas corrupted it.
    Yeah I mean you can personally not view it as such, that is of course fine, because we do all interpret things differently. I think most people chanting it don't know what it really means (or could mean) although some certainly do. I don't think we can be naive to some of the very ugly sides that are capable of exploiting what is a very legitimate protests that fundamentally call for peace.

    But in a context of rising tensions it is the opinions of British Jews that I think count in relation to this song and many seem concerned by it. Here's a BBC article from today that cites it specifically.


    In Paris we are seeing graffiti reminiscent of the 1930s accompanied by a similar message.

    So on balance I just think its a very very dubious message that if nothing else is entirely unhelpful to the cause and I really hope we don't hear it again.

    And before anyone pipes up saying that worse things happen..that's true, but we do live in Britain and seeing tensions inflamed more in here is not in our interest, any communities interest, nor the interests of people in Gaza.

  24. #99

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    Yeah I mean you can personally not view it as such, that is of course fine, because we do all interpret things differently. I think most people chanting it don't know what it really means (or could mean) although some certainly do. I don't think we can be naive to some of the very ugly sides that are capable of exploiting what is a very legitimate protests that fundamentally call for peace.

    But in a context of rising tensions it is the opinions of British Jews that I think count in relation to this song and many seem concerned by it. Here's a BBC article from today that cites it specifically.


    In Paris we are seeing graffiti reminiscent of the 1930s accompanied by a similar message.

    So on balance I just think its a very very dubious message that if nothing else is entirely unhelpful to the cause and I really hope we don't hear it again.

    And before anyone pipes up saying that worse things happen..that's true, but we do live in Britain and seeing tensions inflamed more in here is not in our interest, any communities interest, nor the interests of people in Gaza.
    Some British Jews support a two state solution. Are their views to be sidelined?

    Surely, without wishing to be controversial, wouldn't most Jews think the situation is tenuous in Israel and not unreasonable that the Palestinians would want their land back? I mean if the Jews were somehow evicted from Israel by some super powerful Arab military coup then do you think they'd take that lying down and just say the best side won?

  25. #100

    Re: "From the river to the sea" chant

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Some British Jews support a two state solution. Are their views to be sidelined?

    Surely, without wishing to be controversial, wouldn't most Jews think the situation is tenuous in Israel and not unreasonable that the Palestinians would want their land back? I mean if the Jews were somehow evicted from Israel by some super powerful Arab military coup then do you think they'd take that lying down and just say the best side won?
    By the way the words of Alexei Sayle are worth reading for those getting overvexed about this issue. Just maybe he has found a stance to adopt as a way out of this nightmare for everyone.

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