Quote Originally Posted by truthpaste View Post
And no mention of Iran, but have no doubt that they have their finger on the trigger, are more than waiting in the shadows and will attempt to make your desired end game a reality; and of course they are comparatively seen as another wholesome nation that has no time or connection to Israel apart demanding their removal from the map.
This aim is currently fine and acceptable for any nation that isn't initially attacked by Israel according to the majority.

And your "I believe that 99.999999999999% of any particular race are just good people" is an interesting take on the word 'good' - would anyone in their right mind leave their house keys with over 99% of their neighbours while they headed off on holiday?
I don't think many - on this board, in the UK, in Europe or the world - see Iran as 'another wholesome nation'.

It is a repressive, theological state - guilty over the years of many acts of internal state violence. It is deeply conservative and cruel to ethnic and sexual minorities and treats women as property. It is not alone in that.

But Iran has been subjected to decades of international sanctions and the routine murder of its leading politicians and scientists by the USA or Israel.

It doesn't have US diplomatic cover or automatic vetos of any Security Council resolutions that try to hold them to account and to international law (unlike Israel). It doesn't receive vast annual financial subsidies and arms supplies from the world's superpower (unlike Israel). It doesn't have a network of incredibly effective lobbying organisations working on its behalf across the globe, but especially in North America and Europe (unlike Israel). It doesn't have major parliamentary support groups centred on the two main UK political parties - tied to the embassy (unlike Israel).

Neither Iran nor Israel (or many others) are 'wholesome nations'. But one is treated as unwholesome. The other is given a free pass and a blank cheque!