Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
Talking bollox again - from your own socialist rag "In an act of political guile, Clegg negotiated with both parties in secret, not telling the other what he was doing in a bid to maximise his strength. While the talks with the Tories were ongoing and announced, parallel secret discussions with a Labour team were taking place"
So they were talking - and you are wrong.
Source - https://www.theguardian.com/politics...ip-resignation

The quote I liked was a Lab / Lib pact was "forming a coalition of losers"
You ridicule the left wing, nigh on 14 years this shower of shite has been in power….14 years !!!! 14 disastrous years yet you ridicule the Labour Party. The right wing bastards look down on the population, keep us pinned down, wouldn’t piss on the general public if they were on fire. Young people can’t afford decent housing, all ages using food banks, racial hatred being covertly tolerated (even encouraged), divisions amongst ordinary people being created. I despair on times.