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Thread: 79Blue RIP

  1. #26

    Re: 79Blue RIP

    Very sorry to hear this news. Condolences to his family and friends.

  2. #27

    Re: 79Blue RIP

    Hi, don't panic he's not haunting you. It's his eldest daughter. Dad gave me the login to his ccmb as clearly this place meant alot to him.

    I posted an update on the other forum https://www.ccmb.co.uk/showthread.php?459933-79blue as I wasn't sure where to post it.

    This is likely the last post I'll make under his account. I do have my own waiting for activation 92blue but wanted to update you all more than just to gofundme update asap as you all were so wonderful to him.

    Thankyou for all the kind words and support.
    Last edited by 79blue; 01-01-24 at 23:28. Reason: Missed words

  3. #28

  4. #29
    International jon1959's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: 79Blue RIP

    Very sad news.

    But Ian made a lasting impression on a lot of us. His bravery and honesty and determination to use every hour he had to make a difference was exceptional. He will be missed.

  5. #30
    International jon1959's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: 79blue

    Thank you for that amazing post.

    You have done your dad proud.

    Take care and best wishes to you, your mother and the rest of your family.

  6. #31
    International jon1959's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: 79Blue RIP

    I have just read the post Ian's eldest daughter made on the Alternative Forum. Everyone should read it.

  7. #32

    Re: 79Blue RIP

    RIP Ian.

  8. #33

    Re: 79blue

    That's a fantastically scripted eulogy and goodbye

    You are not taught to write like that , it comes from the soul

    I am sure your dad was such a huge influence in the way you have turned out to be which is clearly very humble and gracious.....like 79blue

    He is at peace now

    Take care

  9. #34

    Re: 79blue

    Your dad will be incredibly proud of you (and your husband and mum) of that there can be no doubt, and as a father of young kids, I think that is the greatest thing I could wish for.

    Life is incredibly unfair, we all have our reasons for thinking this, you more than most. I wish you all some peace and contentment in the coming years knowing you did everything for him. As I say, in that situation, I would have been proud to have been looked after as you described.

    Thank you for posting and all the best

  10. #35

    Re: 79Blue RIP

    Hi, I have activated your new account .

  11. #36

    Re: 79Blue RIP

    RIP Bluebird

  12. #37

    Re: 79Blue RIP

    Thank you, my husband (w3lshie) joined after seeing this thread, He alerted me to it not realising my silence was me typing here for dad.

    You've all been so amazing to him and I can't thank you all enough for that. ♥️ The love outpouring after you saw the gfm update has really warmed my heart.

  13. #38

    Re: 79Blue RIP

    w3lshie account also activated.

  14. #39

    Re: 79blue

    life can be so cruel and having to watch on helplessly as a loved one deteriorates at such a rapid rate is the most difficult situation you will ever find yourself in, but through the pain you found the strength to care for your Father, to be present during his time of need, and for that he would've been extremely grateful

    your selfless display of love through pain is testament to the quality of guidance your Father has clearly shown you throughout your life, mourn his loss but also rejoice in the fact that you were privileged to have been able to call him 'Dad', it's all we really strive for as doting, loving parents

    it's a sad read, but also an emotive outpouring of a daughters love for her Father, rest assured you couldn't have done anything more in the circumstances

    lastly, it's important that after a period of reflection and introspection you also take some time out for yourself

  15. #40

    Re: 79blue

    That was extremely well-written, and as another poster said.. "from the soul".

    God bless you and your family, your father will be looking down and feeling immensely proud of you all.

  16. #41

    Re: 79blue

    He is now at peace watching down with pride at you and all his family god bless

  17. #42

    Re: 79blue

    Thank you for posting at this terribly difficult time.

    I'm so glad he was able to get some comfort from this board. His updates and courage touched us all.

    He clearly received tremendous care and love from his family, and I wish you all the best as you come to terms with your loss.

  18. #43

    Re: 79blue

    What a marvellous and moving message.

    You and your family have been through something that no one should, but your dignity and compassion shine through in your writing - i wish you and your family best wishes at this difficult time.

  19. #44

    Re: 79blue

    I'm very sorry to hear this news although it sounded as if it was likely to come sooner rather than later. Thank you so much for letting us know. He seemed a very special man.

  20. #45

    Re: 79blue

    There are no adequate words that can diminish your grief and sense of loss, but those words are the best epitaph a husband and father could ever had. Thank you.

  21. #46

    Re: 79blue

    A very moving message , I can’t begin to imagine what your father and you as a family have been through but it is obvious you are a very brave and loving family

  22. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: 79blue

    Quote Originally Posted by 79blue View Post

    I don't know where to begin even writing this. I know 79blue's journey has touched many of you on these very boards let alone those in life who knew him.

    I want to start by saying I was shown this board by him back when he was first diagnosed. Showing me how he felt and that he opened up to total strangers about the challenges he would face, these very strangers showing him nothing but kindness and support back. He told me how this support and this place to let out these feelings when he couldn't to those closest to him at the time helped him.

    I kept watching his account and seeing as he updated some of you would ask him to keep you updated as long as he could. I can tell he appreciated the welcomed posts where he could say what he wanted to say without those nearest to him knowing.

    I'm also aware he hasn't posted here in a while. Since his last post the main reason he stopped posting was how weak his right arm had become and typing became a chore for him, moving the mouse in recent weeks had started to become more tireful.

    79blue was deteriorating. There was no doubt about that. Within the last month he was down to pretty much a whisper, making it harder to understand him without some effort. Everyone was willing to make the effort to help him feel as normal as possible. He had different pains, different problems each ranging from one end to the other. He was near the end of the month very lethargic.

    Over the past fortnight, he spent more and more time in his room. Yes, watching matches and movies. His appetite came to basically nothing and needed his drinks held for him. Except during the night where he eventually found the giraffe bottle which allowed him that independence.

    On Friday, he had another bad turn out if the blue. Even with his bipap ventilator on he was struggling to breathe. After some help arrived 79blue declined going to hospital and plans were put in place for more nurse visits. It was after this 79blue asked them to make him comfortable on Saturday when the hospice nurse came to visit.

    He defied the disease. By making this request at this point 79blue flew up the middle finger to motor neurone disease. He chose to beat it to its final goal and he stubbornly stepped out before it could do it. He won, he still got to leave on his terms.

    He had the best nights sleep he had in a long while.

    79blue passed away peacefully in his sleep yesterday (31st December 2023) in his home. Myself, my husband and my mother were home with him. We found him together with the nurse who'd come to see if he needed more meds before the drive top up later that day.

    When he showed me this account and the post he had made earlier this year. I felt honoured and happy. Honoured he wanted me to know these true feelings and happy to see so many wonderful strangers giving the uplift he certainly needed.

    My dad was a wonderful man, as I'm sure you could tell. If there's one thing it's he loved coming to these boards. So much so he gave me the login details for it as I'm guessing he'd want me to finish his journey for you guys.

    He never had carers in place. Me, my husband and my mother worked together in caring for him. We managed between the three of us and occasionally some neighbours to keep up with his needs right until the end.

    I know he wrote on here about going to hospital for the end, that was still the plan when we spoke to hospice before Christmas as they were saying he was getting near that stage. However, as I've told you... Things changed drastically.

    We did our best to keep whatever dignity, independence and normality we could for him. We kept him going between at least two rooms so he never felt like a prisoner in his bed, he had that small bit of freedom right until he left us. We even honoured his wishes right to the end. He was home, he was with us and he knew he was safe and cared for. I'm glad he still got to choose.

    My mother and I checked on him periodically on Saturday, after one reposotion a couple hours after meds he didn't seem to want us again. He was comfortable and resting. That night when it had been hours I began to beg him to buzz me to show he was still there but nothing. Dad had checked out.

    He was still breathing at 5am when I did a final check before sleep. I guess he kept his body going until we were all asleep. He knew I'd be awake then as he often buzzed me around that time. When morning came he was gone. He also knew the nurse would be checking on him in the morning. So it feels he somehow planned his timing.

    The nurse was with us when we checked on him. Had he been just a minute later I would have found him on my own. This nurse came on Friday night, he saw how dad was and was worrying about him all that night he came twice on Saturday, once yo do the morning check and once to administer the meds after the hospice nurse has told them to. Honestly, I'm glad he had the same nurse each time. This nurse truly cared for dad so I'm glad he was on this journey with him and was the one by our sides when we saw he was gone and provided us the comfort we truly needed in that moment.

    Honestly, I thought I had more time with him. But the disease decided otherwise and when he chose to be comfortable I still thought I had more time, at least over a day or so but sadly dad was truly done with the condition and the fight he had to put against it. I am hurting in a way I've never hurt before. The anticipatory grief with motor neurone disease has nothing on the full thing even when it's expected. My only questions I have to mnd is why did it have to progress at Usain bolt speeds for him, why couldn't it have been slower and like the average? Why him? None of it's fair..

    To finish, sorry it's so long.. you have 79blue to thank for that. I guess I wanted to honour dad with you here by letting you all know the sad news but at least finishing off sort of where he left off at. Kind of in the way he would. Honestly, he half wrote his own eulogy so.. he'd likely have posted like this about his own passing. I have also posted an update on his gofundme.

    I just want to thank you all for your wonderful support you gave 79blue. The kind words, the gestures everything. I know it meant alot to him and it meant alot to me watching it. Thankyou for being so kind with coming along on his journey and being the comfort he truly needed. You can all rest assured that in the end, he got to flip off the disease and choose to go before it took every single thing from him completely.

    Also, to whoever once said they hope my mother would give him extra chillies, my mother sadly wasn't generous with the chillies. However, I did cut the beef perfectly to his liking once at least.

    - Ian's eldest daughter.
    Good night God bless 79blue, what a wonderful daughter you are, your Dad is very lucky to have such a great family, I wish you all the very best for the future at this very sad time.

  23. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: 79Blue RIP

    Very sad, he did it his way and can now rest in peace. RIP 79blue.

  24. #49

    Re: 79blue

    Really sad news, so sorry for your loss.

    I'm sure your father will appreciate you updating the board and everything you and the family did for him.

  25. #50

    Re: 79blue

    Quote Originally Posted by 79blue View Post

    I don't know where to begin even writing this. I know 79blue's journey has touched many of you on these very boards let alone those in life who knew him.

    I want to start by saying I was shown this board by him back when he was first diagnosed. Showing me how he felt and that he opened up to total strangers about the challenges he would face, these very strangers showing him nothing but kindness and support back. He told me how this support and this place to let out these feelings when he couldn't to those closest to him at the time helped him.

    I kept watching his account and seeing as he updated some of you would ask him to keep you updated as long as he could. I can tell he appreciated the welcomed posts where he could say what he wanted to say without those nearest to him knowing.

    I'm also aware he hasn't posted here in a while. Since his last post the main reason he stopped posting was how weak his right arm had become and typing became a chore for him, moving the mouse in recent weeks had started to become more tireful.

    79blue was deteriorating. There was no doubt about that. Within the last month he was down to pretty much a whisper, making it harder to understand him without some effort. Everyone was willing to make the effort to help him feel as normal as possible. He had different pains, different problems each ranging from one end to the other. He was near the end of the month very lethargic.

    Over the past fortnight, he spent more and more time in his room. Yes, watching matches and movies. His appetite came to basically nothing and needed his drinks held for him. Except during the night where he eventually found the giraffe bottle which allowed him that independence.

    On Friday, he had another bad turn out if the blue. Even with his bipap ventilator on he was struggling to breathe. After some help arrived 79blue declined going to hospital and plans were put in place for more nurse visits. It was after this 79blue asked them to make him comfortable on Saturday when the hospice nurse came to visit.

    He defied the disease. By making this request at this point 79blue flew up the middle finger to motor neurone disease. He chose to beat it to its final goal and he stubbornly stepped out before it could do it. He won, he still got to leave on his terms.

    He had the best nights sleep he had in a long while.

    79blue passed away peacefully in his sleep yesterday (31st December 2023) in his home. Myself, my husband and my mother were home with him. We found him together with the nurse who'd come to see if he needed more meds before the drive top up later that day.

    When he showed me this account and the post he had made earlier this year. I felt honoured and happy. Honoured he wanted me to know these true feelings and happy to see so many wonderful strangers giving the uplift he certainly needed.

    My dad was a wonderful man, as I'm sure you could tell. If there's one thing it's he loved coming to these boards. So much so he gave me the login details for it as I'm guessing he'd want me to finish his journey for you guys.

    He never had carers in place. Me, my husband and my mother worked together in caring for him. We managed between the three of us and occasionally some neighbours to keep up with his needs right until the end.

    I know he wrote on here about going to hospital for the end, that was still the plan when we spoke to hospice before Christmas as they were saying he was getting near that stage. However, as I've told you... Things changed drastically.

    We did our best to keep whatever dignity, independence and normality we could for him. We kept him going between at least two rooms so he never felt like a prisoner in his bed, he had that small bit of freedom right until he left us. We even honoured his wishes right to the end. He was home, he was with us and he knew he was safe and cared for. I'm glad he still got to choose.

    My mother and I checked on him periodically on Saturday, after one reposotion a couple hours after meds he didn't seem to want us again. He was comfortable and resting. That night when it had been hours I began to beg him to buzz me to show he was still there but nothing. Dad had checked out.

    He was still breathing at 5am when I did a final check before sleep. I guess he kept his body going until we were all asleep. He knew I'd be awake then as he often buzzed me around that time. When morning came he was gone. He also knew the nurse would be checking on him in the morning. So it feels he somehow planned his timing.

    The nurse was with us when we checked on him. Had he been just a minute later I would have found him on my own. This nurse came on Friday night, he saw how dad was and was worrying about him all that night he came twice on Saturday, once yo do the morning check and once to administer the meds after the hospice nurse has told them to. Honestly, I'm glad he had the same nurse each time. This nurse truly cared for dad so I'm glad he was on this journey with him and was the one by our sides when we saw he was gone and provided us the comfort we truly needed in that moment.

    Honestly, I thought I had more time with him. But the disease decided otherwise and when he chose to be comfortable I still thought I had more time, at least over a day or so but sadly dad was truly done with the condition and the fight he had to put against it. I am hurting in a way I've never hurt before. The anticipatory grief with motor neurone disease has nothing on the full thing even when it's expected. My only questions I have to mnd is why did it have to progress at Usain bolt speeds for him, why couldn't it have been slower and like the average? Why him? None of it's fair..

    To finish, sorry it's so long.. you have 79blue to thank for that. I guess I wanted to honour dad with you here by letting you all know the sad news but at least finishing off sort of where he left off at. Kind of in the way he would. Honestly, he half wrote his own eulogy so.. he'd likely have posted like this about his own passing. I have also posted an update on his gofundme.

    I just want to thank you all for your wonderful support you gave 79blue. The kind words, the gestures everything. I know it meant alot to him and it meant alot to me watching it. Thankyou for being so kind with coming along on his journey and being the comfort he truly needed. You can all rest assured that in the end, he got to flip off the disease and choose to go before it took every single thing from him completely.

    Also, to whoever once said they hope my mother would give him extra chillies, my mother sadly wasn't generous with the chillies. However, I did cut the beef perfectly to his liking once at least.

    - Ian's eldest daughter.
    Probably the most eloquent, heartfelt and loving post this MB has ever been privileged to receive. I lost my dad in mid November after a long illness but could never have put into words my feelings like you have.
    RIP fellow Bluebird

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