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Thread: Filth on the streets

  1. #1

    Filth on the streets


    Photographs show the litter-strewn state of Cardiff as city looks to cut public bins.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by LeningradCowboy View Post

    Photographs show the litter-strewn state of Cardiff as city looks to cut public bins.
    Wait till the new recycling bags start it will get ten times worse they are rubbish and will blow open all over the place.

  3. #3

    Re: Filth on the streets

    I thought this was another Sludge thread.

  4. #4

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by LeningradCowboy View Post

    Photographs show the litter-strewn state of Cardiff as city looks to cut public bins.
    How often do people use public bins anyway? If I'm somewhere with litter and can't find one I'll just keep the wrapper or whatever on me. I don't get the flytipping thing at all. Are there people really using public bins to dispose of lots of rubbish?

    Bins in parks and places like that I can understand, but how many bins are needed in our streets?

  5. #5

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    Wait till the new recycling bags start it will get ten times worse they are rubbish and will blow open all over the place.
    Actually, maybe not. The council has voted to stop cutting grass verges and areas of 'green space' throughout the city, so it will become tangled up in the weeds and long grass..

  6. #6

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    I thought this was another Sludge thread.
    The thought of visitors to Cardiff commenting on how litter-strewn and dirty our city has become should make the Council hold their collective heads in shame. They should be showcasing the city, starting by prioritising a major clean-up of the city centre and keeping it clean.

  7. #7

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Meant as a separate reply , not as a response to Taunton's comment.

  8. #8

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by Moodybluebird View Post
    Meant as a separate reply , not as a response to Taunton's comment.
    What a load of rubbish

  9. #9

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by Moodybluebird View Post
    The thought of visitors to Cardiff commenting on how litter-strewn and dirty our city has become should make the Council hold their collective heads in shame. They should be showcasing the city, starting by prioritising a major clean-up of the city centre and keeping it clean.
    Nah it wont - the current lot (I think Cardiff has been Labour ever since I can remember) they are too busy creating traffic chaos and increasing air pollution to worry about what visitors to Cardiff think.

    Hugh Thomas Leader of the Labour Council and an Oxford graduate - a brainy socialist ? - you would think he would be able to do better....sadly his degree was in music - so he might be able to play you a song - if you ask him nicely.

    On a serious note the state of the city centre and Queen st is pretty horrible, I wander out when Im in the office in my lunch break - not a nice place to any more - on a par with Swansea city centre

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Actually, maybe not. The council has voted to stop cutting grass verges and areas of 'green space' throughout the city, so it will become tangled up in the weeds and long grass..
    Re-wilding! Making meadows.

  11. #11

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    Nah it wont - the current lot (I think Cardiff has been Labour ever since I can remember) they are too busy creating traffic chaos and increasing air pollution to worry about what visitors to Cardiff think.

    Hugh Thomas Leader of the Labour Council and an Oxford graduate - a brainy socialist ? - you would think he would be able to do better....sadly his degree was in music - so he might be able to play you a song - if you ask him nicely.

    On a serious note the state of the city centre and Queen st is pretty horrible, I wander out when Im in the office in my lunch break - not a nice place to any more - on a par with Swansea city centre
    My grandson, who was 15 at the time asked why was there always so much litter around and why was the city centre so very dirty. He lives in Malvern but loves Cardiff and he couldn't understand why as a capital city nothing ever seemed to be done to spruce the place up. Couldn't agree with him more.

  12. #12

    Re: Filth on the streets

    I love Malvern and a place Id love to retire to, especially if the Council keep up the sterling work they are doing in making the place I was born and live an absolute @arsewipe of a city

  13. #13

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    I love Malvern and a place Id love to retire to, especially if the Council keep up the sterling work they are doing in making the place I was born and live an absolute @arsewipe of a city
    Hurry up and retire then ff sake and naff off to England you tory tart

  14. #14

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by Moodybluebird View Post
    The thought of visitors to Cardiff commenting on how litter-strewn and dirty our city has become should make the Council hold their collective heads in shame. They should be showcasing the city, starting by prioritising a major clean-up of the city centre and keeping it clean.
    They’re already doing it. Most of the rubbish is fly-tipped in Grangetown. Clean as a whistle around the BBC Wales monolith though. Having said that. Nabbed a lovely pair of wooden chairs the other day and an ottoman just before Christmas. Full of Frankincense too. Must have been dumped by someone from Lakside.

  15. #15

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Hurry up and retire then ff sake and naff off to England you tory tart
    Oi posh boy where do you live again ? in Cowbridge wasnt it ? - the Toriest of Tory areas. Surrounded by all that Tory filth you proclaim to hate.
    It must be easy living over there in posh lands of the vale of Glamorgan, you are probably over at the golf club as you read this. You are one of those pretend Labour socialist working class heroes on the outside yet mix with the posh boys down the vale golf club on the inside who you do your painting and decorating for....

  16. #16

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    Oi posh boy where do you live again ? in Cowbridge wasnt it ? - the Toriest of Tory areas. Surrounded by all that Tory filth you proclaim to hate.
    It must be easy living over there in posh lands of the vale of Glamorgan, you are probably over at the golf club as you read this. You are one of those pretend Labour socialist working class heroes on the outside yet mix with the posh boys down the vale golf club on the inside who you do your painting and decorating for....
    Well said, he's a hypocrite 😆

  17. #17

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by pipster View Post
    Oi posh boy where do you live again ? in Cowbridge wasnt it ? - the Toriest of Tory areas. Surrounded by all that Tory filth you proclaim to hate.
    It must be easy living over there in posh lands of the vale of Glamorgan, you are probably over at the golf club as you read this. You are one of those pretend Labour socialist working class heroes on the outside yet mix with the posh boys down the vale golf club on the inside who you do your painting and decorating for....

    Moved now

    Keep guessing

    Golf is for tory ponces

  18. #18

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by NinianOpinion1927 View Post
    Well said, he's a hypocrite 😆
    Run to mummy

  19. #19

    Re: Filth on the streets

    I don't blame the council for general litter. I blame individuals for that. It's hard to know how to totally resolve it and I can't say I don't think there are enough litter bins around. They are pretty frequent and if there isn't one you hold on to your litter til you find one.

    But, I do blame the council for general waste issues. The agenda of making tip visits harder, less collections for general waste etc is just asking for trouble. Parts of the city are an absolute state.

  20. #20

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I don't blame the council for general litter. I blame individuals for that. It's hard to know how to totally resolve it and I can't say I don't think there are enough litter bins around. They are pretty frequent and if there isn't one you hold on to your litter til you find one.

    But, I do blame the council for general waste issues. The agenda of making tip visits harder, less collections for general waste etc is just asking for trouble. Parts of the city are an absolute state.
    Going to the Tip is a piece of piss. Go online, book a slot, turn up and do your thing. 26 visits per household per year i think.

  21. #21

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesWales View Post
    I don't blame the council for general litter. I blame individuals for that. It's hard to know how to totally resolve it and I can't say I don't think there are enough litter bins around. They are pretty frequent and if there isn't one you hold on to your litter til you find one.

    But, I do blame the council for general waste issues. The agenda of making tip visits harder, less collections for general waste etc is just asking for trouble. Parts of the city are an absolute state.
    We need some teams issuing spot fines for littering. The word would soon get out

  22. #22

    Re: Filth on the streets

    You can organise a litter pick in your local area anytime or join one of the many that already operate around the city. Mrs Citizen is doing one this weekend. Instead of moaning about shit, do something about it.

  23. #23

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    You can organise a litter pick in your local area anytime or join one of the many that already operate around the city. Mrs Citizen is doing one this weekend. Instead of moaning about shit, do something about it.
    Whilst community litter picks are great in keeping local areas cleaner, they don't address the problem of people dropping litter in the first place.

  24. #24

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bloop View Post
    Whilst community litter picks are great in keeping local areas cleaner, they don't address the problem of people dropping litter in the first place.
    Maybe we should follow Iran and start chopping off people's digits?

  25. #25

    Re: Filth on the streets

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Going to the Tip is a piece of piss. Go online, book a slot, turn up and do your thing. 26 visits per household per year i think.
    There was never a problem just turning up as and when. About 18 months ago I turned up not realising I needed to pre book. The thick prick on the gate who had a bit of 'power' in his head wouldn't let me in even though there was not 1 vehicle waiting to enter.

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