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Thread: How do young people cope?

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dembe View Post
    You're a fast learner.

    You've been saying the same things over snd over on here since day dot, nobody "has a discussion" with you. You repeat yourself over and over while others have opinions and you jump over a thread saying the same things over and over.

    Sludge you don't want discussion, you just want to shout louder than the next person and repeat yourself until you fall asleep hoping the rest give up. You'll go quiet then pounce on a completely different thread saying the same things over and over.
    Sludge you don't want discussion, you just want to shout BOLLOX louder than the next person and repeat yourself until you fall asleep hoping the rest give up. You'll go quiet then pounce on a completely different thread saying the same things over and over.

    Yep spot on

  2. #77

    Re: How do young people cope?

    HaHa ..have to laugh.....poor souls. When I got married ....1970...we lived in an upstairs flat (not apartment in those days...) in Porth. Bed propped up in one corner by a pile of books!!! Shit...we even had to ask my mother if she could lend us a fiver to but some plates and cutlery!! (she did...).

    The prices from the OP are just ridiculous...as others have pointed out....prams...children's beds etc can easily be picked up for not too much money on ebay and the like.

  3. #78

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Here they come, the out of touch baby boomers. During the war

  4. #79

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Here they come, the out of touch baby boomers. During the war
    Out of touch?? Baby boomers DURING the war....don't be silly.

  5. #80

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Swan View Post
    Out of touch?? Baby boomers DURING the war....don't be silly.
    Yes, out of touch, boomers havent got the first clue the financial pressures young people of today face. Rent is taking up more than 50% of peoples wages ffs. Thats before all the other bills and taxes on top. The kids of today wont be retiring in their 50s, getting caravans down west, or a nice little apartment in the med because they easily paid off their mortgage before they were 40.

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Here they come, the out of touch baby boomers. During the war
    How about forty years ago, for a young miner who may have just bought their first house with three kids, it was so much easier back then!

    Tough times never last but tough people do!

  7. #82

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    How about forty years ago, for a young miner who may have just bought their first house with three kids, it was so much easier back then!

    Tough times never last but tough people do!
    They were some of the highest paid working class workers in the country and houses didnt cost 10 times their salary.

    Of course ti was tough during the strike, and a tough graft for the men, but lets not pretend their familys were living in poverty when they were not on strike.

    During the miners strike community pulled together to make sure families were fed. Now some young families who are not even on strike and work 2 jobs in a househols still cant afford to put food on the table. The rely on foodbanks and handouts like the striking miners and its just become "normal" to do so. But hey, young people today havent got it tough.

  8. #83
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    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    They were some of the highest paid workers in the country and houses didnt cost 10 times their salary.
    They were just about to go on strike and many never worked in the mines again, most of the old ones were slammed on the long-term sick to fiddle with the figures.

  9. #84

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    They were just about to go on strike and many never worked in the mines again, most of the old ones were slammed on the long-term sick to fiddle with the figures.
    How would you know Thatcher lover? You were too busy w*nking off to pictures of her in her sheer blouse you sicko.

  10. #85
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    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    How would you know Thatcher lover? You were too busy w*nking off to pictures of her in her sheer blouse you sicko.
    Probably you, Pam was all you could get

  11. #86
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    Jan 2022
    North Cardiff ha ha

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    They were some of the highest paid working class workers in the country and houses didnt cost 10 times their salary.

    Of course ti was tough during the strike, and a tough graft for the men, but lets not pretend their familys were living in poverty when they were not on strike.

    During the miners strike community pulled together to make sure families were fed. Now some young families who are not even on strike and work 2 jobs in a househols still cant afford to put food on the table. The rely on foodbanks and handouts like the striking miners and its just become "normal" to do so. But hey, young people today havent got it tough.
    There was probably more poverty back then than now and the further you go back even more poverty, It is tough now but to think that all was rosey in the past is utter nonsense.

  12. #87

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    There was probably more poverty back then than now and the further you go back even more poverty, It is tough now but to think that all was rosey in the past is utter nonsense.
    None so blind than those that will not see

  13. #88

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    There was probably more poverty back then than now and the further you go back even more poverty, It is tough now but to think that all was rosey in the past is utter nonsense.
    Why harp on about the trials & tribulations of the past? Surely the ‘now’ is the important time. People are struggling and preaching to them that it was worse years ago doesn’t help whatsoever. The City were shite in the 30s, doesn’t make the present performances any more palatable.

  14. #89

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    Why harp on about the trials & tribulations of the past? Surely the ‘now’ is the important time. People are struggling and preaching to them that it was worse years ago doesn’t help whatsoever. The City were shite in the 30s, doesn’t make the present performances any more palatable.
    There are a generation who when everything is totted up, through basically no fault of their own, have ended up a fair bit ahead. Some of this generation don't like that being pointed out and it makes them defensive.

    These are systemic issues that could be fixed if enough people wanted them to be.

  15. #90

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by North Cardiff Blue View Post
    There was probably more poverty back then than now and the further you go back even more poverty, It is tough now but to think that all was rosey in the past is utter nonsense.
    Nobody is saying the past was rosey. Times were tougher and jobs were on average tougher. The issue today is that the game is far more rigged against you, there isnt a route out, boomers had to scrimp, save and be sensible and they would emerge the other side as a homeowner with comfortable finances and a dignified, hopefully long, retirement.

    There are millions of people now whose income and absolute base outgoings are such that this will not be possible for them. They aren't wasting money and they are doing jobs that absolutely need to be done but not being paid what they require to meet basic outgoings and plan for the future.

  16. #91

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Yes, out of touch, boomers havent got the first clue the financial pressures young people of today face. Rent is taking up more than 50% of peoples wages ffs. Thats before all the other bills and taxes on top. The kids of today wont be retiring in their 50s, getting caravans down west, or a nice little apartment in the med because they easily paid off their mortgage before they were 40.
    Maybe they ought to do without takeaways...mobile phones....netflix etc etc....we all had pressures then......aka I could not afford a proper bed....I filled my bath with hot water from the kettle because the HW tank was broken and I could not afford to fix it.........get real....

  17. #92

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Swan View Post
    Maybe they ought to do without takeaways...mobile phones....netflix etc etc....we all had pressures then......aka I could not afford a proper bed....I filled my bath with hot water from the kettle because the HW tank was broken and I could not afford to fix it.........get real....
    Can’t you grasp that there are people who work hard, day in/day out, who just can’t keep their head above water. People like you telling them to ‘get real’ is so insulting. Well done to you, you got on, became a comfortable immigrant, to attain that is impossible for many, no matter how many hours they put in. Some are caught in a vicious circle with no escape, rent, food and a few home comforts is all they can afford with not a chance of putting a few bob away.

  18. #93

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    Can’t you grasp that there are people who work hard, day in/day out, who just can’t keep their head above water. People like you telling them to ‘get real’ is so insulting. Well done to you, you got on, became a comfortable immigrant, to attain that is impossible for many, no matter how many hours they put in. Some are caught in a vicious circle with no escape, rent, food and a few home comforts is all they can afford with not a chance of putting a few bob away.
    Quite honestly that is bollocks....you don't think I / we worked hard in past times? I used to commute two hours each way....You don't think I/we struggled to get on the housing ladder....? I didn't get a car until I was 25.....we bought second hand furniture....don't give me that crap - it was no different then.

  19. #94

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
    Can’t you grasp that there are people who work hard, day in/day out, who just can’t keep their head above water. People like you telling them to ‘get real’ is so insulting. Well done to you, you got on, became a comfortable immigrant, to attain that is impossible for many, no matter how many hours they put in. Some are caught in a vicious circle with no escape, rent, food and a few home comforts is all they can afford with not a chance of putting a few bob away.
    Get real, we all know that they would be buying that house right now if they cancelled their £7.99 subscription to netflix.

  20. #95

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maurice Swan View Post
    Maybe they ought to do without takeaways...mobile phones....netflix etc etc....we all had pressures then......aka I could not afford a proper bed....I filled my bath with hot water from the kettle because the HW tank was broken and I could not afford to fix it.........get real....
    Put the Daily Mail down Maurice you f-ing clown

  21. #96

    Re: How do young people cope?

    People taking the piss earlier in the thread about people with their Starbucks and avocado on toast, and in typical fashion here comes Maurice falling hook line and sinker for the crap they put in the press.

  22. #97

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by J R Hartley View Post
    Put the Daily Mail down Maurice you f-ing clown
    I sometimes wonder how someone can repeatedly embarrass himself.

  23. #98

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    There were 6.4 million people on Universal Credit in January 2024. 39% of them were in work - but not earning enough to live.

    Is the 'mess' you speak of people claiming benefits (many don't claim who could) or the levels of pay that mean they cannot survive without?

    The benefits system is a mess - the UC 'reforms' didn't resolve that and in many ways made it worse - but the underlying problem is poverty and low pay (and high housing and utilities costs). I'm sure you have your reasons for blaming 'soft leftie types' for all that but I think there are more obvious targets.
    I was talking to someone who is on UC recently. Apparently, every month they calculate how much UC you get from your earnings, but they take something like 55p for every £1 you earn. Say that person is asked if they can do an extra couple of hours another day on minimum wage. With what they lose out on from UC, they'll make perhaps £12 for 2 hours work, minus any transport costs, perhaps even childcare costs. That doesn't incentivise work.

    Also, if you have hours that can vary, you could be in a position where that doesn't affect your UC until the following month, so you could think you're doing well one month, then your UC drops quite a bit and you're in a spot of bother.

  24. #99

    Re: How do young people cope?

    We are seeing capitalism failing miserably as predicted by many.

    Unchallenged greed from the richest which has infected our politics means we can't take the actions needed to provide basic necessities for British people e.g. housing.

    It's always the same, people who say look after our own first completely lose their minds at programmes aimed to help the neediest in the UK.

    This isn't all older people, it's good to see many on here recognise the challenges that young people face, but I swear a significant percentage of you have had your brains completely scrambled by lead paint as kids and for some reason you froth at the mouth at the possibility of recognising that society has regressed significantly under your watch.

    To those saying go without netflix, I think comments like that show how out of touch you are with the reality of things at the moment, budgeting and working harder can no longer overcome systematic failures.

    I bought my house in 2012 while in my early 20s, if I were looking to buy today instead I wouldn't be able to buy my own house which to me is staggering.

  25. #100

    Re: How do young people cope?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    We are seeing capitalism failing miserably as predicted by many.

    Unchallenged greed from the richest which has infected our politics means we can't take the actions needed to provide basic necessities for British people e.g. housing.

    It's always the same, people who say look after our own first completely lose their minds at programmes aimed to help the neediest in the UK.

    This isn't all older people, it's good to see many on here recognise the challenges that young people face, but I swear a significant percentage of you have had your brains completely scrambled by lead paint as kids and for some reason you froth at the mouth at the possibility of recognising that society has regressed significantly under your watch.

    To those saying go without netflix, I think comments like that show how out of touch you are with the reality of things at the moment, budgeting and working harder can no longer overcome systematic failures.

    I bought my house in 2012 while in my early 20s, if I were looking to buy today instead I wouldn't be able to buy my own house which to me is staggering.
    So much is true in this post. Well said.

    The comment you made, which I've highlighted in bold, sums things up so much.

    Cut overseas aid. Let's not send millions to the EU. Let's look after ourselves.

    "I can't get a new knee for 2 years. I've paid into the NHS all my life and I should be a priority." etc etc

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