Quote Originally Posted by Robin Friday's Ghost View Post
I retired a couple of years ago (or semi retired as I'm back at uni part time). I didn't like cooking when was working as I'd have had a 1.5-2 hour drive home from work. Now I enjoy it at the end of a day in the study.

My daughter suggested using Gousto which we did for a couple of years. I've got around 100 recipes, all of which are for 2 people with normally reasonable portion sizes. There have been a few duds but they are mostly good and I seldom make anything that isn't from the Gousto recipe cards.

Cooking is enjoyable imo if you aren't rushing to get something on the table and if you have a good supply of recipes that are suited to you that you don't have to go hunting for.

BTW if anyone can suggest any recipe books or websites that cater specifically for two people and where you don't need to live in central London to be able to find the ingredients then please tell me.
This may sound a bit obvious but I find bbc food website is generally good. If you know what you want they usually have a recipe.