Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
So, what is it then?

Faith in Jesus the person is fundamental to Christianity as whole, not just to me, but to Christians everywhere.

The Bible is not a single book. It consists of two sections, the Old Testament (OT) and the New Testament (NT).
The Old Testament is a collection of thirty-nine books about the history and religion of the people of Israel. Each book possesses a unique tone, style, and message. Individually, they include stories, laws, and sayings that are intended to function as models of religious and ethical conduct. Together, through hundreds of characters and detailed events, they represent a unified narrative about God and his attempt to relate to humankind by relating to a specific group of people.

There is a lot of discussion about the OT, about its historical accuracy and whether some of the stories are factual or based on myths and legends. As TP has said thanks to archaeological studies more and more is being discovered about the accuracy of the information therein. Some things we will never be able to prove but the bottom line for me is that the OT predicts the coming of the Messiah – Jesus.

To me the NT, consisting of 27 books, is the all important part of the Bible (TP will probably disagree with me for lessening the importance of the OT!). It describes the coming of Jesus, his life and times and his words and works here on Earth. It ends with his resurrection after being put to death by crucifixion, then the beginnings of the Christian church and what follows on from that.

The OT I accept as the history and religion of the people of Israel i.e. the Jews and I don't get too hung up on the some of the stranger stuff therein as it has little bearing on the way I and others should live our lives as Christians i.e. as a Gentile follower of Jesus subject to the new covenant, rather than an OT Jew under the old covenant.

From Jesus's teaching it is clear that he is far more concerned about the heart of a person (rather than whether we believe in talking snakes etc.), how we love God and our fellow human beings by putting our faith into action i.e. walking the walk rather than talking the talk!
Thanks Gofer for your heartfelt and personal thoughts which are interesting to read as you've taken some time to consider your relationship to your chosen religion after much reading.

I don't see that as definition though, it reads more like your individual feelings on the matter.