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Thread: Annual tax summary

  1. #1

    Annual tax summary

    Just had an email saying where our tax £££ are spent. I have removed the amounts so I don't make you all feel bad for my huge contributions to help the less needy.

    Nearly 20% on welfare, this is the one that really gets under my skin, thoughts?

    Health (19.8%)

    Welfare (19.6%)

    National Debt Interest (12%)

    State Pensions (10.3%)

    Education (9.9%)

    Business and Industry (7.6%)

    Defence (5.2%)

    Public Order and Safety (4.1%)

    Transport (4.1%)

    Government Administration (2%)

    Housing and Utilities, like street lighting (1.7%)

    Culture, like sports, libraries, museums (1.3%)

    Environment (1.3%)

    Outstanding payments to the EU (0.6%)

    Overseas Aid (0.5%)

  2. #2

    Re: Annual tax summary

    What has this got to do with Cardiff City? Not interested about it on this message board.

  3. #3

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Why the f*ck are these kinds of posts constantly being posted on the football forum (yeah, I'm looking at you North Cardiff Blue)? There's a perfectly good Alt Forum for this kind of stuff. The board would be a much better place if we just stuck to football.

  4. #4

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post

    It's always the same, people who say look after our own first completely lose their minds at programmes aimed to help the neediest in the UK.
    As I said a few days ago.

    Did you know 35% of people on Universal Credit are employed?

  5. #5

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Stanmore Bluebird View Post
    What has this got to do with Cardiff City? Not interested about it on this message board.
    Then don't click on the thread, mate.

  6. #6

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Doucas View Post
    As I said a few days ago.

    Did you know 35% of people on Universal Credit are employed?
    Yes, you said a few days ago.

    Can I still have my own feelings and opinions on things though?

  7. #7

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Dembe View Post
    Then don't click on the thread, mate.
    The typing was good though!

  8. #8

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Stanmore Bluebird View Post
    The typing was good though!
    6/20 threads on the front page are non football related, its quite obvious what you are doing replying to mine

  9. #9

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Dembe View Post
    Just had an email saying where our tax £££ are spent. I have removed the amounts so I don't make you all feel bad for my huge contributions to help the less needy.

    Nearly 20% on welfare, this is the one that really gets under my skin, thoughts?

    Health (19.8%)

    Welfare (19.6%)

    National Debt Interest (12%)

    State Pensions (10.3%)

    Education (9.9%)

    Business and Industry (7.6%)

    Defence (5.2%)

    Public Order and Safety (4.1%)

    Transport (4.1%)

    Government Administration (2%)

    Housing and Utilities, like street lighting (1.7%)

    Culture, like sports, libraries, museums (1.3%)

    Environment (1.3%)

    Outstanding payments to the EU (0.6%)

    Overseas Aid (0.5%)
    You understand that pensions, pension credit, winter fuel payments etc come under welfare? Pensions alone come to nearly half of all welfare payments.

  10. #10

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    You understand that pensions, pension credit, winter fuel payments etc come under welfare? Pensions alone come to nearly half of all welfare payments.
    I wouldn't know random figures like that off the top of my head no, well done on your google search.

    This is still money that I would, personally, rather control and use how I see fit. I am capable of investing or saving my own pension money. Perhaps if people weren't taxed so much they could afford their own winter fuel and wouldn't need handouts
    So off the top of my head Welfare takes 6% 0f my pay, would that be correct? I was good at mental maths at one time in school but that was a long time ago...the figure I earn that seems quite an amount to pay out weekly, and if I could invest that myself over the next 30 years id get a decent little number back by just doing the s+p 500...

  11. #11

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    Why the f*ck are these kinds of posts constantly being posted on the football forum (yeah, I'm looking at you North Cardiff Blue)? There's a perfectly good Alt Forum for this kind of stuff. The board would be a much better place if we just stuck to football.
    The aggressive nature of your post doesn't suit you, I reckon you're the type of bloke to beep and gesture at other road users then stare straight ahead or look at your feet when confronted..

  12. #12

    Re: Annual tax summary

    I'm just glad it boils your piss.

  13. #13

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by insider View Post
    I'm just glad it boils your piss.
    Holding a grudge is a narcissist trait. That's some unhealthy behaviour, you ought to learn to let go.

    especially after I was right with what I said, that you've seemed to carry heavy on your mind since.

    Let it go, you'll feel better.

  14. #14

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Stanmore Bluebird View Post
    What has this got to do with Cardiff City? Not interested about it on this message board.

    Culture, like sports, libraries, museums (1.3%)

  15. #15

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by ToTaL ITK View Post

    Culture, like sports, libraries, museums (1.3%)
    Well spotted.

  16. #16

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Stanmore Bluebird View Post
    What has this got to do with Cardiff City? Not interested about it on this message board.
    How long have you been on this board?

    One of the main reasons it became so successful in the halcyon days of the early 2000's was because this was a single forum board which was an eclectic mix of football and many other topics.

    Apart from football -

    If you had a problem with your car you came on here.

    If you wanted to give your views on heavy metal,rock or any form of music you came on here

    To discuss politics you came on here

    Etc etc

    And there was a real sense of community on here.

    In my view the board was all the better for it.

    Things change of course, and there was a politics forum for years. I never agreed with this split but could understand the reasons why it happened.

    It somehow morphed into the alternative.forum but if I recall correctly Mike intended this for politics and some of the more more extreme conspiracy theory type threads.

    I don't think it was ever Mike's intention to turn this into a purely football board (If I am wrong Mike correct me).

    If you don't want to read the non football posts don't read them.

    It's not rocket science!

  17. #17

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    Why the f*ck are these kinds of posts constantly being posted on the football forum (yeah, I'm looking at you North Cardiff Blue)? There's a perfectly good Alt Forum for this kind of stuff. The board would be a much better place if we just stuck to football.
    I refer the honourable gentleman to the reply I gave a short while ago.

    In other words, read my response to Stanmore Blues similar complaint.

    I am not typing all that again!

    Just to add that I disagree entirely with your last sentence.

    The only thing I will repeat from my earlier postvis that if you don't want to read a thread just ignore it!!

  18. #18

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Dembe View Post
    Just had an email saying where our tax £££ are spent. I have removed the amounts so I don't make you all feel bad for my huge contributions to help the less needy.

    Nearly 20% on welfare, this is the one that really gets under my skin, thoughts?

    Health (19.8%)

    Welfare (19.6%)

    National Debt Interest (12%)

    State Pensions (10.3%)

    Education (9.9%)

    Business and Industry (7.6%)

    Defence (5.2%)

    Public Order and Safety (4.1%)

    Transport (4.1%)

    Government Administration (2%)

    Housing and Utilities, like street lighting (1.7%)

    Culture, like sports, libraries, museums (1.3%)

    Environment (1.3%)

    Outstanding payments to the EU (0.6%)

    Overseas Aid (0.5%)
    Did you research in detail what defines the category of 'Welfare' before you posted the above?

  19. #19
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
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    Re: Annual tax summary

    It seems that the only query the virtuous have is regarding the welfare %, IMO, that we only spend 4.1 % on public order and safety is far more concerning, carry on stabbing, robbing, assaulting, the priority given is in plain sight.

  20. #20

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Definition of Welfare as used on personal tax statements taken from Fullfact.

    "For your tax letter the Treasury has defined 'welfare' as spending by central and local governments based on international standards and includes much of what you would expect, such as incapacity, disability and unemployment benefits.

    But it also includes items like spending on personal social services such as home care and child protection."

    Seems to me it's a definition which goes to the heart of the type of person you are - do you think all who get the sort of benefits above are deserving of them (I happen to think the large majority of them are) or do you think they're all on the fiddle? If you're in the latter category can I ask what your opinion is of the rich tax avoiders and evaders who cause your own tax bill to be higher than it would be if they all paid their share?

  21. #21

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Dembe View Post
    The aggressive nature of your post doesn't suit you, I reckon you're the type of bloke to beep and gesture at other road users then stare straight ahead or look at your feet when confronted..
    My wife would really, really love me to be like that as it wouldn't have got me into quite so much trouble in the past (present and probably the future)....so you've got me wrong there. However, you are right that it was aggressive. I apologise.

  22. #22

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
    I refer the honourable gentleman to the reply I gave a short while ago.

    In other words, read my response to Stanmore Blues similar complaint.

    I am not typing all that again!

    Just to add that I disagree entirely with your last sentence.

    The only thing I will repeat from my earlier postvis that if you don't want to read a thread just ignore it!!
    I actually agree with you. However, that's why I posted the Anchovies thread. This is not an attack on the OP (even though I acknowledge my aggressive tone). It's just that most of 'this kind of topic' descends into name-calling or the same ad infinitum, political wank-fests which are better consigned to this dusty old place. It's just an opinion. But opinions are the new facts which are why we keep the churn of the same shite all the time. It's all very well saying 'don't read them' but then, what else would there be and can't we just be a bit more imaginative? It's like the same old anti-Swansea, anti-English bollox sung by our lot. It's boring. IMO.

  23. #23

    Re: Annual tax summary

    It's an important subject though. I acknowledge that. My view is that Social Security benefits are fundamental in a caring society as they embody the principle of collective responsibility and compassion towards those in need.

    These benefits provide financial assistance to older people, the disabled, and families in distress, ensuring a basic standard of living and safeguarding against the harsh impacts of poverty and inequality. In the UK, the government's duty of care under the Equalities Act further emphasises the importance of these benefits, mandating state intervention to protect and support its citizens (or subjects as we are, unfortunately), particularly the most vulnerable.

    This legal framework underpins the societal commitment to fairness, equality, and the belief that everyone deserves dignity and security, reinforcing the moral and ethical obligations of the state to care for its people.

    Interestingly. The state refers to my registered mode of transport (the DVLA) as an 'Invalid Carriage'. That, in IMO, could be challenged under The Equalities Act.

  24. #24

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Dembe View Post
    I wouldn't know random figures like that off the top of my head no, well done on your google search.

    This is still money that I would, personally, rather control and use how I see fit. I am capable of investing or saving my own pension money. Perhaps if people weren't taxed so much they could afford their own winter fuel and wouldn't need handouts
    So off the top of my head Welfare takes 6% 0f my pay, would that be correct? I was good at mental maths at one time in school but that was a long time ago...the figure I earn that seems quite an amount to pay out weekly, and if I could invest that myself over the next 30 years id get a decent little number back by just doing the s+p 500...
    I remember noticing how much of the UK's budget was spent on welfare a few years ago. Rather than just make up where that money was spent, I decided to look it up. Quite often, when someone quotes something they regard as "fact", I'll check it out. Usually they're wrong. Immigration numbers was another. When that is broken down, the number of "illegals" (as some incorrectly call them) is pretty low, but people believe there are loads of them coming over.

    People should try and be a bit more educated in their opinions. It doesn't help that all political parties don't give you the full picture, just what suits their agenda. Divide and conquer.

    As for your bit about being in control of your money as you see fit, that's basically you saying that you hate the thought of feckless wasters having any of it. Now, we could destroy that argument in moments, but when you're opinions are as ingrained as they are, there's little point.

  25. #25

    Re: Annual tax summary

    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen's Nephew View Post
    I actually agree with you. However, that's why I posted the Anchovies thread. This is not an attack on the OP (even though I acknowledge my aggressive tone). It's just that most of 'this kind of topic' descends into name-calling or the same ad infinitum, political wank-fests which are better consigned to this dusty old place. It's just an opinion. But opinions are the new facts which are why we keep the churn of the same shite all the time. It's all very well saying 'don't read them' but then, what else would there be and can't we just be a bit more imaginative? It's like the same old anti-Swansea, anti-English bollox sung by our lot. It's boring. IMO.
    I haven't read the Anchovies thread, not even opened it as it doesn't interest me. Makes life online much easier.

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