Quote Originally Posted by G rangetown Blue View Post
There are some roads where 20mph is not required…hopefully local authorities will act accordingly, if enough people make them aware.
I was quite vocal with my objections to the 20mph speed limits, but months on, it's not been as bad as I feared from a driving perspective. More roads need to be reinstated at 30mph but overall it has had the effect of making people drive a bit more carefully. I agree with everyone who has said about those doing less than 20 are a pain in the arse. I see people driving 20mphish on 40 and 50mph roads, but I've not encountered one of these roads where there have been speed limit signs and 40mph and 50mph limits are obvious. Anyone crawling along in these areas should have their licences removed as they haven't the sense or ability to read. And, no, I'm not saying everyone should drive at 40 or 50mph in these areas as sometimes those speeds aren't appropriate.

I still think the Welsh Government would have been better holding a review of all roads. There are roads which are accident blackspots, but nothing has been done with them. A fully joined-up policy would have been better.